Jul 18, 2006 21:54
1) List eleven things you want to say to people but know you never will.
2) Don't say who they are.
3) Please dont ask me if you're one of them, actually ask away, I wont tell you, or maybe I will.
!.I'm sorry things got screwed up. I'm trying to make up for all that. I want to see you, but I'm still kinda scared of you.
@.I can't believe I was there for so long. I would never take you back. You broke my heart.
#.Most of the time I think things won't work out like we want them too.
$.You are self absorbed. And need a big slap in the face of reality to wake you up.
%.You are a backstabber and I would never trust you with anything.
^.Why do you have to put a label on yourslef. It dosen't make you anything better. Makes you seem stupid if anything.
&.I never meant anything I said.
*.You wonder why I never ask how you are, but you never want to open up to me. You remind me of a blank wall.
(.You drive me crazy. I don't know why you hate me so much. I didn't do anything to you. Is it the way I dress? Is that the reason you don't talk to me? I think you should grow up and find something better in life.
).You used to scare me a long time ago. Now your arms are the ones I want to fall into most when I go into one of my break downs.
!!.I think you are a horrible parents and everything you didn't want to happen to your children are going to happen. You are discriminating and judgemental.