Apr 08, 2005 16:01
Ahhhh...one week done, a lot more to go....i've been completely exhausted this week, and have already started to fall behind...
Nothing has been happening, really....walked to perkins with ali the other day...and thats about it haha
Im not going to the transit bash...it will be gay with all the little kids thinking they're the shit and stuff...so instead me and some cool cats are going putt putting and then starbucks, gimme a call if you wanna come ;)
Well...not much to say, except that sarah is retardly obsessed with Harry Potter and its friggin scary considering she looks up HP porn online....hahahahahahah sarah i love you, and no matter what happens we will never let a boy (harry) get in the way of our friendship hahahaha...wooo
It's absolutely beautiful out, so im going outside and play some basketball....then walking to perkins again with ali and alanna cause theres nothing else to do hahaha....peace losersss
<3...JT money - hahahaha hanah, i love you hanizzle!