Saiyuki Colo: “Sunset Hakkai”

Oct 24, 2010 15:23


This one was a resquest from rachel_reicheru . It's not from any part of the manga, I think, probably a splash page or something... Quality of the scan wasn't awesome, and I'm not that much of a cleaner, so I did my best... I actually erased some of the original shadows which really looked messy on my scans, to replace them with my own.
  So this is... “smexy Hakkai”! But with lightings, to make it a “sunset Hakkai” (... 笑) . My first attempt without lighting effects had a slightly different look; I changed the colors of the sky and some other small details, you can check it over here: CLICK. It took me a lot of time, I just couldn't make my mind on the colors (I changed, like, ten times the color of Hakkai's shirt, and am still not sure about it.)
  Damn, it's so hard to play with colors.

Lineart and character (Chô Hakkai) © Minekura Kazuya
(Gensômaden Saiyuki/Saiyuki Reload/Saiyuki Reload Blast) 
Colors mine

saiyuki reload, colo, gensoumade saiyuki, saiyuki reload blast

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