Meme's overload bb.

Apr 12, 2008 00:21

Stolen from nyaza!

1) what is your username? how did you come up with it?
Aw I don't really remember. But I think I was being really twittish and all at that very moment and I toyed with the idea of swapping the 's' out for my favourite 'x' and upsizing the 'o' to a zero. Eventually it stuck on me, although when registering, it took all of six seconds to decide on whether the ending should be alphabetical or numerical.

2) have you renamed before? if so, what were your old names? if you haven't renamed, what names would you want to rename to?
Meh. Firstly, tbh, I don't have the means to pay for a rename. But, considering all odds conquered, I don't mind having bite_me, sparklepickle, vintvamp.

3) how much does your userinfo say about you?
Nothing much, since I don't update it often. I barely bother about it.

4) how long have you been on livejournal?
Pretty short while, but it meant a lot. :]

5) what is the longest amount of time you've gone without posting?
Oh Idk. About a month or so. I didn't really begin posting until much much later. And I tell you, I was totally screwed with it.

6) on average, how many entries do you post per day? (divide how many total entries you have by how many days you've been on LJ.)
Average daily entries < 1. Ohnoez.

7) what are your posts normally about?
Memes, random rants which I can't post at the dark side my Blogger blog but I'm planning to write more.

8) is your journal friends only? why or why not?
Nope, but I make personal posts f-locked. It's easier, traditional and more conventional that way.

9) does your journal have an actual title or are you merely USER @ livejournal?
It has a title although.. I can't remember what.

10) how long do you see yourself staying on livejournal?
No idea. For as long as possible, I guess. I don't mind spending my childhood there, srsly! The fandom is full of wank and bitch but, ignoring them, there are nice people, cool stuff, fanggirly debates and peekturez. :D

11) how many people are on your friendslist, not counting private journals, media journals, etc?
I have joined exactly 89 communities and 22 friends.

16) how much do you talk to people on your friendslist off of livejournal?
Hmm. Not much. I only have Karen in my list and I am so going to try the LJ talk as soon as Tugtug is fixed. :/

17) do you do friends cuts? why or why not?
Not really. Just chopped off some unwanted communities that's all, as for the rest, nope.

18) do you regularly participate in friending memes? if not, how do you normally find people to friend?
(Yes yes long convos by comments are teh epic win!) I participate if I'm bored, or if I want to, and sometimes it's quite fun. :D

19) how often do you add new friends to your friendslist?
Occasionally. If I am really in the mood, I find friends through friending memes. Hah.

20) do your friends have to have things in common with you?
Not a must, but, friends without a common thing don't have much stuff to talk about.

21) how many userpics do you get maximum? how many of those slots do you actually use?
14/15! I used to have very little userpics, until I realised I liked a lot of them so I wanted to upload a lot of them. I have done unwanted clearing twice already, to pave the way for newer and yummier icons, even though I loved those previous ones. :(

22) do you mostly use icons made by yourself or by others?
I have a lot of icons made by me, but I upload a lot of icons not made by me. :D

23) do you have your own icon community? How often do you post in it?
Nope, I have no tiiiime! Although I love too. But I honestly have no time.

24) what fandoms are most frequently seen in your userpics?
Twilight and Heroes. <3

25) how do you find icons to use?
Icon comms, but sometimes I'd rather sit there and wait for the icons to come to me.

26) how often do you upload new icons to use in your userpics?
when i find/make (mostly make!) an icon i HAVE to use. It's difficult to decide which icons to take, so, must really love to have that icon!

27) which of your userpics do you use the most?
Usually the default one. :) I really like it, I made it myself:

I also have another version, which is:


28) which of your userpics do you like the most?
Wow. That's a huge tough one.
You know what? I really really love them all.

29) the old maximum number of userpics was three. could you see yourself "surviving" on three userpics now?
HELL NO. Three? That's only enough for happy, sad and angry!

30) what do your userpics say about you?
That I like Heroes (technically I ship Paire), RobKris (six icons there!), Alice and I like cartoonish icons as well as fashion stuff. :]

31) which fandoms are you most active in?
Twilight. No, really. The Heroes fandom is quietening down and so am I, in that aspect. I'll wait till fall to become active again. :)

32) what do your choice of fandoms say about you?
That I like superpowerzzzzz. Idk, it's fun to immerse myself in a world I know doesn't exist.

33) do you make friends based on fandom?

34) how many fandom communities are you a part of?
Wow. Er. I refuse to count. I'll die of a headache.

35) do you join fanfic or icon communities or only the general communities?
All of them! But I haven't been reading ff or looking at icons much daily. :(

36) how many fandom communities do you moderate?
alice_stills! Ilu alice_stills! I love all the members there, they're so nice.

37) how often do you check fandom communities for new posts?
About two to four times daily. :D

38) do you contribute to fandom? if so, by way of what?
Posts and comments! I did an icon post and a fake credits for movie posters entry earlier on and now I'm just plain lazy.

39) have you ever read (or been featured on) fandom_wank?
Nope. :B

40) what is one thing you wish you could change about fandom?
All the wank. Peace out. I mean, we're all on the same boat, right? :D


nyaza picked these for me a while ago. :D

I got this from one of the icon comms, lecollage. I took it as it seemed really cool, like this girl had her arms all chopped up. Kind of really interesting. Idk, it just screamed artistic to me. The link's here.

Now this may seem bad to you, but I snagged this off someone's icon. I really didn't know much back then so I just took it right there and then. And I really like it, for this shows their hair-soulmates side. <3

Also taken off from lecollage. The whole page was filled with unreal and exaggeratedly humourous icons. I took about half the icons there and was overjoyed. I loved them! For the rest of the icons.

blogging Hmm, yes, I love blogging. It's kind of like my life, although I earn nothing from it whatsoever. But it's nice. And blogging and the online stuff have led me to the LJ comms and fandom and I am happy about it. :)

fashion I took up interest in fashion about two years ago, and I got really psyched and all about it for a while. I considered being a fashion designer and am still considering it, but I don't think I'd take that career path. I still love and enjoy looking at editorials and ogling at the lovely runway shows though.

heroes Heroes dug the way for "supernatural" for me! I used to detest fantasy stuff as I felt they weren't realistic and logical and I thought they were useless, but Heroes changed my point of view (I sound cliché). And so now I love both Heroes and Twilight.

photography Another interest I took in late, but am seriously considering. Photography is like my way of life. I like looking at things at a different angle, and I believe that photography can make people look at things at a different angle. It's kind of like more than just something to do with cameras and photos; it's the message that translates over. LOL.

skinning Codings. Knowledge's kind of rusty already. But I still like doing codings. That's it.

twilight The love of my life. Twilight taught me to be unreal, told me that wishing and hoping and dreaming isn't bad, fought (and trumped) Heroes and made me go wanky about it. The fandom is really nice, apart from all those hate, and I like that we are bonding together through one funny story derived from a dream.

photography nyaza picked it twice! :O Never mind. Let's talk about fashion photography. I like fashion photography because, well, they say it takes two hands to clap. If as a fashion photographer, you cannot click well with the model, the model would not be able to convey the emotions and everything would come out wrong wrong wrong. So I think fashion photographers are the most important ingredient for beautiful editorials.



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