well today wasnt horrible after the aggravation. i spent the day on the computer and watching movies. i watched office space and the school of rock. pretty dern good movies.
i got an intense mood swing earlier and just started bawling for some reason. im ok for now. thats all that matters. uh other than that im tired and sick of this dern homework.
---y0u---Name?:Kat Age?:16 Location?:boring central, maryland Sex?:female Siblings?:one older sister Height?:5'4 Hair color?:brown Eye color?:brown ---pers0nal---Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?:i guess so...taking it slow Whats his/her name?:brian Whats one word you could think of to describe them?:awesome Whats the best thing theyve ever done for you?:give me a chance i guess, and certain things he's said If you dont have a bf/gf, do you want one?:im excited about this relationship ---fav0rites---Fav movie?:hmmm i have many, i guess finding nemo or pirates of the caribeaan or donny darko Fav person you know?:amanda! Fav food and drink?:mashed potatoes, and orange juice Fav shirt you own?:any hoodie of mine. something comfy Fav place youve been to?:brents house! Fav colors?:blue, purple, green Fav place to be?:in a guys arms Fav store?:the arcade...ooo...or the video game store...or the music store Fav tv show?:golden girls Fav song?:at the moment, thursday~the dream ---prefs---Pepsi or coke?:no difference Chocolate or vanilla?:chocolate Internet or phone?:internet McDonalds or Burger King?:burger king Eminem or 50 cent?:neither! Make up or no make up?:i prefer little makeup, i just wear eyeliner. but different people look better with different things. Cat or dog?:i like both for different reasons. Spanish or French?:french Lights on or lights off?:off Hungry or full?:full Chocolate milk or hot chocolate?:chocolate milk ---are y0u---Suicidal?:not right now Stubborn?:not often Open-minded?:very much so Arrogant?:not that i know of Patient?:too much so Hyper?:not as much as i used to be Nice?:i try to be Happy?:at the moment yes Depressed?:half the time i am ---wh0 d0 y0u want t0---Fuck?:many people. of course brian. maybe a penguin. Kiss?:brian Hurt?:no one Beat the shit out of?:thrill-seeking squirrels Kill?:condiments Hug?:any of my friends or cool strangers. ---with the 0pp0site sex---Favorite eye color on the opposite sex?:any color, i like pretty eyes i can look into Hair color?:any color Curly or straight?:doesnt matter Tall or short?:doesnt matter, prefer near my height Red hair, blonde hair, brunette or other?:didnt u already ask this...brown i guess Pale tan or in the middle?:doesnt matter to me ---w0uld y0u---Shave your head for $1000?:no Cheat on your bf/gf?:hell no Eat a bug?:depends on the circumstances Be on fear factor?:naw Kill yourself?:stupid question Cut yourself if you were depressed?:another stupid question Turn goth?:im not into stereotypes Dress up as the opposite sex and go out in public as a dare?:no reason to ---have y0u ever---Masturbated?:yes. and anyone who says they havent needs to grow up and stop acting like masturbation is like premarital sex. Gone skinny dipping?:not yet Had sex?:yes Seen the same movie more than 5 times?:yes, pirates of the caribeean and finding nemo ---y0ur friends---Who do you rely on most and could trust with anything?:kerri...and in her abscense ms. amanda Whos ur best friend of the same sex?:right now, amanda Why?:shes freaking awesome. and hot. and her father is roy. Whos your best friend of the opposite sex?:jimmy was always a good friend, brents pretty cool to talk to, i dont know tough question Why?:they just have their originality. because of different reasons Funniest?:paul class is pretty funny, brian, brent, amanda, bob manzo, and i could go on Stupidest?:common sense wise: nicole, or laura brainwise: Nicest?:brian, brent, amanda, megan, most of my friends are nice Best looking?:brian and amanda. hell yeah. Craziest?:jimmy and cheryl always were. almost all my friends are crazy. i love it. ---Andddd finally---I gotta go, bye:ok goodbye!
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