Jan 06, 2009 17:50
How actual pathetic is it that people make Myspace/Bebo pages for fucking fictional characters off of TV shows?
Even worse, people actually leave comments saying 'OMG SeTh! i CanT BeLeEv RyAn HaZ LefT OrAnGe CoUntY!!11 U mUSt B sO Sad!!1'.
It's so fucking unbelievably homosexual it hurts my brain thinking about it, who are these sad wallopers?
Also, the people who make these pages actually talk amongst themselves; roleplaying as their respective character, eg. "Ryan Atwood" leaves a comment on "Marissa Cooper's" Myspace, telling her how much he misses her and wishes she could be with him, what the actual fuck? These people don't exist! it's ridiculous. I used the OC as an example, same applies for most TV shows, faggy dildos.
There's only one thing worse...Myspace pages for huge celebrities; clearly made by a fat, lonely, obsessed fan...then people actually believe that it's really them and leave tonnes of comments declaring their admiration for them. Don't these people realise that Michael Jackson (par examplé) has better things to do than sit on fucking Myspace? (insert generic paedophile joke here).
People are so fucking gullable these days, especially when it comes to the internet. We are the generation who are supposed to be clued up on this, then as soon as someone gets an email saying 'CLiCk On DiZ LiNK Or YoUr EyEZ WiLl MeLt!11' they think, "fuck, better do it", and WHAM BAM THANK YOU MAM! they have a virus. They then spread the warning to their mates, "DONT CLIK ON DA BAD MESSAGEZZ". Sorry to sound patronising, but what retards actually get fucking virus's these days? I surf a tonne of porn like the lonely man I am, and i've never had a single virus. Download some fucking anti-virus and spyware software and don't click on suspicious links and email addresses. Complete and utter technical retards.
The day I get caught out by a virus will be the day that I smash my fucking skull with a meat tenderizer.
If you read all that, you now have a virus.