Baby all i need is for you to love me, like they do in fairy tales?

Nov 02, 2005 18:40

Yeah so how's err'one? I have a Crush, well one new& the same one i've had sense the first day of school. <3. i also have some sucky news; i have a 47.5 in mathclass& err'one else has F's too& 2 ppl have D's; tell me if that's screwed up. I cried for like 3294828574325 hour's today bc of that grade. I mean c'mon. =[ i hate school& im dropping out, im also running away bc i get in trouble for not asking permission to go tokayla's house and she lives, not even 5 feet away from me. Wtflip? messedup. Kdroppingout&Running away. Whose opening there door for me? This is lame.

Make me happy& comment. KayeBye; 
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