Jun 05, 2003 02:10
well i have decided to start this live journal thing....i'm not too sue how it works but i guess i'll get the hang of it. i am much more affiliated with xanga..but i felt it was time to try something new.
so only 2 weeks left until school gets out! i am failing 2 classes. i really need to to pass them, so my teachers said that if i get atleast a c on the final then i will pass their class! that makes me happy.
summer is almost here! 3 months of leisure....haha yeah right, for everyone but me. so this summer i have 2 summer school classes and 2 adult ed classes. then i have to get a job..... so i am pretty much getting no vacation at all. well i mean theres still the weekends, but that not fun...but this is the only way that i will graduate. i believe me i want to graduate.
speaking of graduating... i now have the 2 most important people in my life not graduating, tony, and leanne. so now i guess leannes not going off to north carolina...she has to go to a jr. college first. that really sucks. i mean, leanne was the person i most envied for school stuff because she is so smart...shes not graduating because she was dropped from her foods class today due to too many absences. tonys not graduating because he is too lazy...but knowing him and his smartness hell pull it all together. i love him so much.
speaking of tony, so i have known him for almost 2 years and for like 1 and a half of them we have been together on and off... we are soulmates...we were meant for eachother, and we both feel that way. that makes me smile.he lives in oxnard where i am from but about 2 months ago i move down here to pasadena due to some family shit going on. it was the worst thing i ever did, but fortuneately i am moving back home in 15 days!! oxnard, here i come.
so lets see...bad things going on in my life...
1)can't call tony because my dad is taking away my long distance becaus ethe phone bill was over 200 dollars.
2)this summers going to blow.
3)i have 3 stalkers that are really scary.
4)tony seemed mad at me last night.
5)schools not over yet.
well thats all the bad stuff so far.
so the best thing about this summer is that tony is going to teach me how to surf! i have been wanting to learn how for over 5 years now!! yay. we are gonna have so much fun, also warped tour is almost here...and tony and i are going together..woo hoo. and poison the well is playing there, and guess what rocks? i get my liscense in 1 month!! this summer might be better than i thought!! i miss my boyfriend so much!
tomorowsfriday, finally! on saturday i am going to babysit this little girl...and the rest of this weekend my cousins will be here...i guess its kind of sad that i anticipate my cousins coming here especially since they are only 12 and 8 but life down here is pretty dull so i live with it. today in my christian class someone asked me "if you could change one thing about the way you live your life what would it be?" i seriously sat there for like 10 minutes and came up with over a hundred things, that doesn't say alot about me. i guess i tend to only see the bad things about myself...it's like i pretend the good things arent there. me and my lack of confidence...oh well.
well that about all thats going on in my life right now. so i will update this thing as much as i can.