Oct 11, 2005 15:57
okay im not saying this to be mean or anything like this im not telling yuo anything i just want to set out my opinion.
A part of haveing a livejournal is so that you can keep all your memories in tact. yuo should not be deleting things thats you yourself have past writen or things that others comment on. If you had a writen diary and you went through it and saw things in yuor past that you did not like and you ripped them out not only would you miss a part of your life when yuo go back to it again what happens if yuo want to refer back to that momment. oviousaly if yuo ripped out that somthing in yuor diary it had to be something important. and whe yuo look back on you diary yuo will see more things that yuo dont like and then after you ripped out a few more pages. it is like ripping out a part of yuor life. you'll notic that the pages become all torn and the pages well one by one fall out of yuo diary just like how they would be missing form yuo life not to be rememberd again. the same thing will happen for your live journal. so every page or comment/ post what ever you dleete will be one step farther yuo are away form remembering little parst of you life like so. let yuor life fadeaway why dont you?
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