Oct 25, 2005 13:31
Happy Birthday Damien!
well it was MAD crazy...
i came home from school did some chores then called Emm && i got a ride over there && me && her && Tina walked to Tinas && chilled there for a lil till Tina kicked us out bc her mom was coming home.. omg was it freezing outside... well we walked to Alex's house && he said come back in 10 mins && i can hang but it was too cold... mean while emm is cravin Taco bell she says lets walk there && get some taco bell so we start walking EMILY GETS US LOST! i get us back on track but we are totally going to the wrong way.. we were like @ 10 && Kelly when we were suposed to be @ like 9 && kelly... lol so we get to Taco bell after walking for like 2 hours lol && Emm orders a chicken quesidilla w. JUST CHEESE but she was thinking that there was like peppers && all that on there... so we get out && we are walking down 9 mile towards gratiot && she starts eating it && she is like flipping out "who orders just cheese" then we get some DQ && we see logan && jamie we BEG them to come && pick us up.. but they did the wait till they get up to the car then drive away thing.... so we keep walking we get to big boys && jamie && logan say they are coming they get this teenie tiny car w. already 4 ppl in it && make me && Emm sqeeze in there.. we get to logans && emms mom is flipping out "your grounded" get your ass home LMAO never walking w. emm again then i went home after that logans mommy drove me home then watched laguna L.C and Jason what the heck???? lol