a4 Day Weekend

Oct 12, 2004 16:04

So this weekend totally rocked! ok so first on Friday at the begining of 4th period all of JV and Varsity tennis went down to the library's class room and had the traditional before confrence breakfast. Ha that was great elise, sarah, victoria, and me were just messing around more then normal and of corse somehow Coach ended up takeing my butterfly ring from my cupcake and licking it and then she tried to hit me with a cookie lol. Yea so like conference ends up being cancelled b/c of rain which total sucked, but b/c like half the team didnt do there hw alot of us just went home since we were already excused. So i got home at like 11 it was great. That night i saw the movie Shark Tales with Mike...omg GOOD movie lol so funni. Then Saturday morning i had 2 get up bright n early for conference. Ok so it was actually pretty fun and i didnt have 2 play cuz the girl got injured during warm ups so i got moved 2 the semi final rounds automatically. The bus ride was great. So first Coach comes and picks up me, sarah, cassi, and lauren and we call coach Benorth and ask her were her son Chris is...so we find out hes at the varstiy singles site, so we went and picked him up. lol so like we had 2 go watch Varsity play and like me, courtney M., victoria, cassi, lauren, and chris were all just like chillin on this hill and me and courtney decided 2 do summer-saults down the hill...wow that was amazing lol we totally lucked drunk afterword.  So then on the bus were were all singing really loud and bad and we stoped 2 get food on the way bak and me, fortnum, elise, and Lakani got a pizza all 2 ourselves  YUMMY! So Like sunday was ok i went to west aurora and chilled at my cuzins hosue for like the whole day. Then Monday we had 2 go back for the Semi final and final rounds of conference. so we place 1st and yea it was like sad tho cuz that was like our last day with that team like its never gonna be the same again. So like we totally beat up elise on the bus lol and coach didnt even care lol. Then we got bak and had 2 go to the team party at cassi's wow ok lots of food. lol and then we went threw some of coaches favorite moments and stuff and took pics which ill try n put up here later...newaiz it was so much fun but its still like really sad...newaiz im like sleep deprived rite now so im out
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