Apr 16, 2005 18:59
[x] What school do you go to: Neuqua
[x] What grade are you in: 10th...lucky me
[x] Current G.P.A: like id put that on here, im not exactly a smart person
[x] Favorite grade: i dunno
[x] Least favorite grade: 7th and 8th
[x] Favorite teacher: Ms. Fiday
[x] Least favorite teacher: i dunno there's a couple
[x] Favorite subject: um....well it's over but it was Fashion Merchandising
[x] Least favorite subject: computers cuz they're so boring
[x] Do you play sports/ extracurricular activites: tennis
[x] Number: 11
[x] Letter: Z it's an amazing letter to look at while drunk
[x] Toy: my stuffed tigger mike got me for my birthday lol
[x] Movie: um....Team America world police
[x] T.V show: the OC
[x] Shoes: my silver heals from Rampage
[x] Clothing: my bikini lol
[x] Cologne/Perfume: August lol rite elise??
[x] Song: Be Yourself by Audio Slave
[x] Candy: hm.....anything white chocolate lol
[x] Food: i consume more pizza then the average fat person does in one week lol
[x] Singer: i dunno
[x] Group: hm...crossfade, Mudvayne, Audio Slave
[x] Type of music: rock(and i mean real rock non of that punk crap) and Metal
[x] Hangout: chase's house lol
[x] Fastfood Restaurant: hm...no idea
[x] Season: Summer!!! and this one's gonna rock ppl
[x] Day: Friday
[x] Weekday: Friday
[x] Month: December for my birthday and xmas and then May
[x] Shampoo: Aveeda
[x] Deodorant: ok deodorant is deodorant ppl its kinda weird if u have a fav
[x] Car: Sunfire or mustange
[x] Counrty: i dunno
[x] State:Cali bitchez
[x] Boy's name: Mike, bryan, austin, or joel
[x] Girl's name: brittney
[x] Music video: no idea, theres a couple
[x] Word: BABE...total....riiight....i know rite?....that's hot
[x] George Bush: shouldnt have won...damn americans
[x] Laguna Beach: that show sucked but it was addictive so u kinda had to watch it lol
[x] Jessica Simpson: dumb.
[x] Hilary Duff: wow dont even get me started on her...wow passionate hate right there
[x] Britney Spears: dumb ass
[x] Fuck: ing
[x] Orange: Mike and little Michael
[x] Love: MIKE
[x] Donut: ahah breakfast wit the girls!
[x] Water: wow i have the same passionate hate for water that i do for Hilary Duff(may she get hit by a bus)
[x] Rock or Rap: ROCK BITCHEZ
[x] Rap or Pop: pop
[x] Rock or Pop: ROCK
[x] R&B or Rock ROCK
[x] Metal or Rock: damn hard choice...both
[x] Pop or R&B: pop
[x] Pop or Metal: Metal
[x] Rap or R&B: uh....i guess rap cuz u can dance to it
[x] Britney or Christina: christina
[x] Hilary or Lindsay: kill both
[x] Chad Michael Murray or Jude Law: Chad michael Murray
[x] Usher or Justin Timberlake: USHer
[x] Basketball or baseball: baseball
[x] Pen or pencil: pen
[x] Skateboard or rollerblade: skateboard...the guys are hotter then the one on rollerblades lol
[x] Ski or snowboard: Snowboard
[x] Me or you: you cuz i love ya
[x] Red or Blue: blue
[x] Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: yea
[x] What is he/she's name: Michael Burrows
[x] When did you get together: last august
[x] How long have you been together: 8 months
[x] How did you meet: um...well we played each other in a match...and then brad brought him to the movies one night.
[x] How many friends do you have: many lol im just a lovable person...hah jk but yea many
[x] Do you smoke: naw
[x] What about drink: hm....do i?
[x] Best friend(s): i love them all...but the best ones know who they are.
[x] Known the longest: hm....prolly like jess
[x] Craziest: Tina, Jess, ryan, susie, and well now thats maddy's moved her, oo yea and victoria
[x] Shyest: hm...not sure
[x] Sweetest: siv, mike, sonu, sarah, and well i used to think victoria and elise...but haha no way in hell....victoria is wild and elise is like me...someone comes and hugs her and the second they walk way...bitch
[x] Nicest: Joel lol so sweet
[x] Most likely to get lost: lmao. OMG JESS...wow we got lost going to I-55 and we go there all teh time....then we got lost in her bf neighborhood, and then we got lost on teh way home in her own neighborhood
[x] Most likely to fall in love alot: um..no idea
[x] Scariest: john lol
[x] Best hair: um.....tina
[x] Most athletic: me lol naw um...elise
[x] Most likely to say, "Do you have to be Dutch to wear Von Dutch?" kells lol...
Kells-"wait so ppl who are Hitlitey worship a god called Hilter?"
Jen-"naw babe Hitler was the guy with the freaky mustach from WWII who tried to kill all the jews"
Elise-"wow.....how the hell did u come up with a religion called Hitlitey with ppl who worship Hitler? i'd kill to get in that little brain of yours"
Kells-" whoa wait there was a WWII? and my brain isnt little its tiny"
Elise-".......point made"
[x] Tallest: John
[x] Shortest: ashley
[x] Always there when you need them: mike
[x] Loudest: Ryan
[x] Funniest: they're all funny
[x] Best dressed: hm..many of them
[x] last birthday: lots of shoppin with mike
[x] today: um...job audition at cold stone, then mall with sonu, then outlet mall with sonu
[x] Christmas: um....went and had dinner at mike's house with his family and then we watched movies and tv
[x] Thanksgiving: um...i dont remember
[x] Easter: chilled at home while my family went to chicago
[x] Valentine's Day: had dinner with my boyfriend and chilled with him
[x] Yesterday: school...then some stuff with mike ;)
[x] Last weekend: went to Virginia
[x] You ate: white chocolate ice cream with heath pieces in it from cold stone.
[x] Hugged: mike
[x] Kissed: mike
[x] Drank: md code red
[x] You listened to: um....jesse mcartny
[x] Person you saw: sonu
[x] Person you talked to: elise
[x] Are you Asian: no
[x] Are you Mexican: yea
[x] Do you like eggs: no
[x] What about candy: yea
[x] Girls: hate em...they really do annoy the shit out of me cuz they're such bitches...
[x] Guys: amazing love them so much
[x] You: sure
[x] Am i annoying you: naw
[x] Are you glad its over: yea....but now i'll be even more bored lol