Dec 09, 2004 21:26
Wow...ok so anna had this on her lj like a day ago or something but i was reading it and it really had an impact on me, so here...
Hi.. My name is weed.
Lots of you have become acquainted with me recently.
Arent i fun to hang out with??
Acting like an ass is just so much fun dont you agree? We have so many good times.
Remember the time we hung out after school and I told you to have sex with that boy whose name you never learned? you enjoyed yourself right? I mean who wouldnt.
Sure you were crying with pain but i numb all that. that's why i'm here.
I'll give you a hug when you cant take it and wash everything away. every little problem and speck of dirt on your life so it'll be perfect again.
Did i mention that i'm not only a speck of dirt, i'm the tomato stain.. the one that doesnt come out...
Easily.. that is
Whenever you feel alone or afraid.. i'll be there. I love you. I love you so much i'll hold you forever and never let you go.
Did i mention that i'll drop you off a cliff everytime your high has reached an end and you're dropped back into reality?
Reality is a scary place.. it's where people love eachother and tend to get hurt sometimes. hurt? you're hurt? ohhh poor baby let me hold you again... yeah that's right so you have no more hurt.
Dont worry i'll love you. forever. that's a promise. i'll never leave. Just escape... escape.
Run away with me. I'll give you everything you've ever dreamed of.
But there is a price... it costs you your mind, your intelligence, and your ability to have normal relationships.
Thank you very much you wont regret it. then again you have lost your ability to think straight.
I cant wait untill i can introduce you to my cousin extasy...
Or my brother alcohol
Have you met cigarette? Wow you dont get around do you. Well i'll have to show you the way to happiness then.
Happiness covered by a mask of lies and betrayal... i made that mask i admit it.
What?? You're friends dont listen to you anymore? Oh baby come closer hold me tighter.. Now it's time to meet my family..
Prepare to die a long and painful death. Oh that wasnt in the deal??
Yes it was very much so in the deal. you just decided not to read the contract...
Say goodbye to life...
Newaiz after i read that it really made me think...Ok yea if i had read that about last week i would have been like ok wut the hell thats pretty gay. I would have had no problem with people going and getting stoned or wasted b/c yea i've done it to and im not afraid to admit to that. But then last weekend i stood and watched one of my best friends get stoned off her ass and do some of the dumbest things i've ever seen her do. Then i found out alot of stuff from another friend about shit she had done and i really started thinking. All these things like Doing Drugs or Drinking are the things that from an early age all of us sat there saying im never going to do that. I mean i can remember sitting with some of my friends before in either assemblys or just talking about how we would never do something as stupid as Drink and Drive, yet i can also honestly say that I've been in the car with friends who were driveing while they were wasted off there ass, I've let them get wasted and drive, and i've even snuck out the alcohol to them when i knew they were going to be driveing. I've let people i care about go get stoned off their asses and then go drive or do something stupid, and even tho it seems easy to drive while really cant be, ur just in such a state of mind that u just think ur driveing fine. Yea i've let some of the people i love the most and dont think i could live without go ahead and get them selves fucked up, and even though i didnt always think what they were doing was right i never said anything about how i felt to them...In the last month i could have lost my own life and 3 of the people i truley couldnt live without, just because i never said anything about them drinking while driveing or driveing while stoned. So i've decided to lay off the drugs and drinking, im not saying that im completely against them, but i am staying away from them for awhile. And yea i've also decided that if i really disagree with whats going on then im gonna make sure i actually do something about it, b/c i dont ever want to feel responsible for a person that i love death. Im greatful to be alive right now after all the stupid things i've done recently and im greatful for all the friends i have even when we dont make the right decisions atleast we can learn from our mistakes