Dec 16, 2004 18:27
well two more finals down...
both easy as hell...
we played monopoly in mr dees' room, and my plans for becoming senior dictator last year were exposed to him and he laughed lol...
i might have a job working for mr. dees...i saw his family portraits in the back and they werent very good...i thought to myself...hey could do better than that, why dont u sell urself? so i did. i was like
"Yo yo yo! mista dees! you should let me do your family portraits...i looked at the ones u got in the back and...i coulda done better...prolly for cheaper too..."
so he told me to bring in some of my work to him tomorrow and we might be able to work something out...only problem is i have no idea what to charge him :\...
i think ima take a nap...
or call tiffany...
- Jon