It's been three years.......

Nov 18, 2011 17:32

.....since Hep sent me an Etruscan Money Pot. I've been feeding it slowly ever since....very slowly, as everything in NZ is paid for by eftpos so I don't often have spare cash in my pocket. But a couple of weeks ago I noticed it was getting hard to force more coins in, so I've been paying for my daily coffee with $10 notes every day to make sure I had some gold coins to add. And today, I couldn't put the last $2 coin in, so it was time to smash it!

The whole family gathered round, Mat filmed the momentous event on my iPhone, Woo cried (she hates to see things broken), Rory tried - and failed - to lift it up, and I made a wish and.....smashed it with a hammer.

It broke very easily into half a dozen pieces. And there were so many coins! Over $850, about twice what I was expecting!

I have no idea what to do with the money - the instructions say it has to be something fun rather than paying bills. Suggestions anyone? We're going to plant flowers or something in the shattered pieces of the pot.

So thank you Heppie! An awesome gift :-)
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