Something positive for a change

Dec 22, 2005 02:17

My new years resolution/lesson I learned this year:

Think before I open my mouth.

Take on more responsibility. I know I can handle it, and I want it but Im too lazy to take it. Must be more proactive.

Be more 'open' to everything around me. shutting down and closing off is numbing and life shouldnt be numbing.

Do not walk into someone's life unless I plan to enrich it and improve it in some way. This is the greatest lesson I learned this year. I realised I've been rather selfish in my past, I popped in to people's lives and maybe did more harm than good. Thats me avoiding responsibility. I want people to look back in their lives and remember me as someone who left something good, who did some good, who changed their lives for the better in some way. If I can follow this path for the rest of my life, then I suppose I could say I achieved something even if I failed at everything else.

And if I still have time, either cure cancer or solve the mystery of existence ;p
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