this is because i can spell confusion with a "k" and i like it...

Jul 21, 2004 00:51

we like to bitch and moan about how gay this city is but once u embrace it every once in a while u have a blast. i do anyways. i sat on my bed with my favorite person in the world till we decided we need to eat around 11 o clock. so we drove to steak and shake bc klee and sam had never adventured there before. so we get lost on the way to steak and shake and call up ashley bc well ashley is the best when it comes to matters of the shake and steak. so we brought the cmaera(of course) to make for an interesting first experience. we get there finally and we go inside and lelt me jus tell u steak and shake is the cutest place since johnny rockets. took some more pictures. talked to one of my least favorite people on the phone about a pending matter. then called caitlin( always a pleasure)..then got our milk shakes cuz well wut else does one get at a palce called steak and shake besides a steak? so after we enjoy our 5 dolalr treat we leave but on the way out i steal a hat. o my! this is one sexy peice of head gear i aquired! promtly gave it to samantha for a photo shoot. lemme just tell you, we looked dead sexy in that we drive home and i keep the hat on and we decide we should blast gay we put on coast and sing along to complicated(keep in mind im still wearing the hat) and we begin to get an audience. needless to say we kept ourselves amused rather well.

im gonna miss these days in this town, when the nights are moist and boring and its past 11 on a weekday and the only thing u ahve to amuse urself with is urselves...

im gonna miss this town. never thoguht id say that.
lemme say it again.
im gonna miss this town.
im gonna miss nothing open past 11.
im gonna miss jetta girls and golf guys.
im gonna miss the fact that half the traffic lights turn to blinking yelllows past 1030.
im gonna miss driving around aimlessly.
im gonna miss the dumbass ghetto wanabes.
im gonna miss the movie theater.
im gonna miss the mall.
maybe im just gonna miss being 17 and carefree and young and stupid.
maybe i should cherish it.
maybe i should do it again tomorrow.
because i can.
i think i will.
wanna come?

im legal in one month and 3 days. i got33 days to act like the legal kid i am.

tomorrow: chuck e cheese!!

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