Online Dating Services

Jun 29, 2011 19:04

In my journal entry posted 7/29/10 I mention that I went on a date with a woman I met through an online dating service. 
I find myself a year later (tough to believe it's been that long) in the same situation, single.
So now I ask, are dating services good or bad?

The one I signed on for seemed pretty good.  I was matched with 200 or so women over the 3 months I was a member.  I initiated contact with around 50 of them.  I ended up getting through their guided communication with only 3 of them.  Of those 3, I only ended up going out with 1 of them.  Those odds seem pretty awful to me.  Particularly for the $60.00/month I paid.  Perhaps it was me.

So, do online dating services indicate that I'm desperate enough to pay someone to find a date for me?  Or do they say that I have disposable income to spend on dating services and could spend it on dates too?  I tend to feel that for men resorting to a dating service it's desperation, but for women who turn to a dating service it's because they genuinely don't have time and have the money to burn. 
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