To quote my favorite artist, "Just watch me shine!" - Son Dambi

Nov 02, 2017 17:35

Ahem, I know LJ is a ghost-town in my neck of the woods but incase someone is reading...

I've completely revamped my journal. So if your wondering where did all the entries go; well, I'll have to sort through them on my spare time to see whats has to go. Honestly, its nice to look back. But, I also just want to move forward and put things behind me. I definitely used this journal as a place to vent. However, I'm not always whiney. It's just that a lot of the time when I'm happy, I am not here; I'm with my family. What I want to do is come back when I am well and sharing good times. I don't like to read about depressed me either! So here's to being a lot less... gloomy?
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