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Aug 15, 2010 19:07

Whee done with the translations for episodes 16-20 of Beauty :D

第十六集 (16/08/2010) 星期一
加文公布宛淇被跃升为高级品牌经理,而海鲸管理的品牌亦得到拨款重新包装及大肆宣传。漫悠失业后只好当回啤酒宣传女郎,有客人向她毛手毛脚,池男出面替漫 悠解困,但结果漫悠被辞退。突然有顾客投诉宛淇的品牌令她们的皮肤受损,成为全城话题;另一方面,在海鲸品牌的发布会上,身为代言人的漫悠突然被记者追问 她是否曾整容。海鲸在家门前看到立秋与一女性在争吵,终得知立秋曾是大型连锁餐厅老板的故事……池男发现漫悠欲伤害目己,於是把她紧缚后通知众人;最后经 大家商议,决定支持漫悠向传媒公开自己整容之事。

Episode 16.
Savio announces that Maggie is promoted to Senior Brand Manager, and the brand that Michelle manages has obtained funding to repackage the brand as well as advertise it actively. After Joyce loses her job, she has no choice but to become a bargirl, but customers have itchy fingers. Power appears and bails her out of the difficult situation, but this results in her losing the job. Out of the blue, customers accuse the products under Maggie’s brand of causing skin problems, and it becomes a hot topic. On the other hand, Joyce, who is the spokesperson for Michelle’s brand is questioned by reporters whether she has had plastic surgery. Michelle chances upon Gordon and another female quarreling outside her house. She finally finds out that he used to be the boss of a large chain of restaurants…Power finds out that Joyce is harming herself. After discussing about this issue, they support Joyce to tell the media about her plastic surgery.

第十七集 (17/08/2010) 星期二
经宛淇用强硬手段调查,发现有人请人以不当手法弄伤皮肤然后嫁祸给宛淇的品牌,而加文得知珊瑚是幕后黑手,於是正式辞退她。晚上智力与池男在酒吧喝酒,智 力发现池男闷闷不乐的原因竟是为了漫悠……智力因宛淇坚持不想怀孕,令两人陷入冷战中。旷龙特意送来多样婴儿用品给海鲸,但她却拒绝收下,海鲸后来向立秋 解释原因。加文宣布将有中资集团注资公司;新管理层代表提出会在海鲸与宛淇中选出谁担任亚太区总裁。而考核的方法,就是要两人争取韩国化妆品牌 SanSam的代理权……

Episode 17.
Using tough measures, Maggie finds out that people were damaging their skin and subsequently blaming it on her products. Savio discovers that the mastermind is Elena, and officially fires her. Joe and Power go to the bar for drinks, and Joe finds out that Power is unhappy because of Joyce…Due to Maggie’s adversion to getting pregnant, Joe and Maggie engage in a ‘cold war’. Dominic purposely gives infant items to Michelle, but she insists on rejecting them, she later explains to Gordon the reason for doing so. Savio announces that the new management intends to choose either Michelle or Maggie to fill the role of Asia Pacific President. Both of them are to attempt to win the contract for Korea Brand SanSam’s, and that would be the criteria for deciding on who gets the job.

第十八集 (18/08/2010) 星期三
池男发现漫悠不明白自己心意,终忍不住向她表白,但想不到漫悠竟以为这是池男不想她与星级经理人合作的计谋……仁泰夫妇指打算结束新加坡的业务搬回香港定 居,宛淇竟提出婚后可与他们一起居住。宛淇向金氏夫妇讲解完自己的宣传计画后,用尽方法赶回公司的海鲸亦刚出现;但当海鲸欲开口讲解之际,却发现自己的羊 水已穿,快将临盆。金氏夫妇最终接纳了宛淇的计画,令她顺利胜出第一次较量;智力终发现宛淇私下服食避孕药,不禁大发雷霆。智力接受宛淇找代母的提议,结 果请来苏娜担任代母,想不到宛淇全力支持……

Episode 18.
Power discovers that Joyce does not understand his intentions, and cannot help it but confess to her. Unfortunately, Joyce interprets it as Power hatching a plan to prevent her from collaborating with her new manager…Joe’s parents intend to return to Hong Kong permanently, after wrapping up business in Singapore, and Maggie brings up the idea of living with them after her marriage with Joe. Maggie finishes pitching her idea to Mr and Mrs ‘Jin shi’ , but Michelle shows up, despite Maggie’s attempts to prevent her from doing so. However, once Michelle tries to explain her proposal, her water bag bursts(Xuelx: I don’t know, but I’m guessing it’s this) and she is going into labour. Mr and Mrs ‘Jin shi’ finally decides to make use of Maggie’s proposal, resulting in her winning the first ‘competition’. Joe finds out that Maggie is taking contraceptive pills, and is furious. Joe accepts Maggie’s idea of finding a surrogate mother, and hires JJ Jia. Unexpectedlyl, Maggie fully supports this…

第十九集 (19/08/2010) 星期四
在宛淇与海鲸分别讲解了自己的宣传计画后, 金先生最后决定采用海鲸的宣传策略;海鲸收到立秋的电话,指儿子失去踪影。警察最终发现海鲸的儿子在公园,当海鲸把儿子领回后,旷龙指海鲸没资格照顾儿 子,任由旷龙与母把儿子带走。池男陪伴漫悠与伟雄及子燕吃饭,但当漫悠建议父母可将菜档结束享清福之际,子燕却大怒起来……加文因漫悠的形象大跌在会议上 大表不满,而宛淇指出可用回她的计画。智力在酒吧重遇珊瑚,更从她口中得知宛淇的所作所为,智力协助漫悠一家和解,亦成功让传媒把消息报道……

Episode 19.
After Maggie and Michelle pitch their ideas again, ‘Mr Jin’ eventually decides to make use of Michelle’s publicity strategy. Michelle receives a call from Gordon informing her that her son has gone missing. The police locate her son in a park, but when Michelle goes to fetch him back, Dominic points out that Michelle is not at all qualified to look after the son, resulting in them taking the son away. Power accompanies Joyce to her parent’s house for a meal, and after they finish eating, Joyce brings up the idea of enjoying life, resulting her mother flying into a rage… Savio expresses his unhappiness because of Joyce’s tarnished reputation, and Maggie points out that they could use her idea instead. Joe meets Elena at a bar, and finds out from her what Maggie has done. He restores the peace in Joyce’s family, and successfully gets the media to report on this…

第二十集(大结局) (20/08/2010) 星期五
宛淇向智力出示检验报告,说她的纤维瘤会影响她怀孕。国仁要求宛淇及海鲸在亚洲区周年聚会上发表演讲,以评估谁能担任亚太区总裁。宛淇主动邀请海鲸晚上吃 饭,更指自己不再打算与海鲸竞争……漫悠接下电影工作,但和池男排练中令到鼻子受伤。想不到池男在诊所终向漫悠表白。淑德致电给海鲸,说旷龙已发现她与儿 子见面;海鲸与立秋赶到大屿山营救,放弃参加公司聚会。智力发觉宛淇抢先发言的原因竟是因为她的计画竟与海鲸十分接近,而她更在台上提出会把香港的市场推 广部取消,令台下的智力等人惊讶得说不出话来……

Episode 20 (grand finale)
Maggie and Joe go for a checkup, and it reveals that her uterine fibroids will hinder her getting pregnant. ‘Guo ren’ requests for Maggie and Michelle to give a speech at the annual meeting. Maggie invites Michelle for dinner and tells her that she has no intention to fight with Michelle for the position anymore…Joyce takes up a movie role, but while she is rehearsing with Power,she injures her nose. Power finally confesses to her at the clinic. Dominic’s mom (Xuelx: I’m guessing it’s her, I have no idea who it is actually) calls Michelle and tells her that Dominic found out about her visiting her son. Michelle and Gordon hurry up to the temple (Xuelx: again, I’m guessing) to pray, thereby giving up on attending the company gathering. Joe finds out the reason why Maggie wanted to go first is because her plan is very similar to Michelle’s, and she even raised ending the operations of promotion in Hong Kong, rendering Joe and the rest speechless…

fangirling :x, translations

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