I need to blog more.

Jul 08, 2012 13:31

I have completely forgotten to blog about my UK/France trip. Although, there's really not much to be said that can be neatly summarised into one blog entry. And I haven't got that much time to write, honestly. I've got quite a few recipes that I want to post on my food blog and I've been itching to write poetry but I Haven't Got Time. I'm aware that working life is going to be like this, which makes me depressed. Except that preceptorship isn't quite that depressing; the children are the most adorable creatures on earth and I'm rather sad that I've only got one week left in the Children Inpatient Pharmacy.

I've also decided that there are few things sadder than children who are unwanted. It also angers me that there are parents who simply do not give a shit about their kids, not because of some genuine family or socio-economic problems, but purely because they do not care. And then you wonder why they even bother to have children in the first place. I might be a bit of a traditionalist here, but I do believe that if you're going to have kids, you better damn well put them right on top of your priorities.

I guess what I really, really love about being a pharmacist (be it in retail or hospitals) is that you really get to see all sorts of people. And that's important because it gives you some bloody perspective on life. The things some people complain incessantly about. As if they've got all the problems in the world. But that's another rant for another day.

preceptorship, pharmacy, seemingly philosophical

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