The future is mediaeval.

Jan 15, 2012 21:53

Lecture clique spending pre-lunch slacking time discussing future plans i.e. grad school. Half my clique comprises the impossibly smarter-than-anyone type of people who will no doubt go on to achieve Great Things, possibly in the area of inflicting torture on next generation of post-doc students by subjecting them to long days labouring in labs with minimal lunch breaks. Well.

In any case, have been thinking about personal life plan dating from pre-university days. Slightly funny; could make analogy to repressed memories there. Basically original plan was to get a PhD in some field of biology, possibly something in the vague realm of genetics/cancer biology/immunology. Problem: changes of plans in uni days means I have no respectable resumé to speak of in this area. Aye well.

But grad school would be legitimate way to get out of this country, which I have been thinking of for some time. And also legitimate way to avoid getting a job for 5.5 years. Not that I will have a problem finding work. Also acutely aware that I will be ridiculously poor for the next 10 years or so (pre-reg pay is disgusting, only marginally less disgusting if opting for job in retail pharmacy).

Have also learnt that prof I am most likely to disturb for final year project met her husband in the hospital she was attached to for pre-reg training. Yet another back-up plan there.

pharmacy, life sucks then you die, life

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