People Complaining About People Complaining - What?

Aug 14, 2011 22:37

I gave up making notes for Med Chem (introductory lecture, pretty useless things there) to camp on Twitter because I'm too lazy to switch on the telly. And, predictably, it's everybody tweeting variations on the theme of "What has the gahmen done for us". Well, not everybody anyway. There are also people complaining about people complaining about the PAP government and saying things like, "If you want to live in a better country, nobody is stopping you from leaving you know."

To which I have two things to say.

One. Dear Internet-savvy Singaporean, do not take people seriously on Twitter. You will find that this does amazing things for your anxiety levels and blood pressure, which I'm sure is going to benefit you in the long run, despite the fact that PM Lee has promised that the government would continue to subsidise more drugs and make it cheaper for Singaporeans to manage chronic illnesses. After all, prevention is better than cure and all that, and blood pressure meds have lots of nasty side effects, really.

Two. Hello, we are Singaporeans okay. Compraining is our national pastime. It doesn't matter what we are compraining about. It could be the weather, young people these days or stupid idiots who crowd the NUS shuttle buses because they're too lazy to walk from the first YIH bus stop to the second one (no, seriously, I've met them). In fact, it's not just Singaporeans. People everywhere complain about silly, inconsequential things all the time because it makes us feel better, and it's probably healthier to rant and have a laugh about things we're unhappy about.

By the way, yes, I don't get people who complain about people complaining about the weather. Yes, I know I can't do anything about the bloody humidity, but it's my mouth and I can whine about it, right? And maybe I'll find a fellow kindred spirit who also feels the same and we can both complain about how we used to get nicer weather when we were kids, except maybe without the haze. See, complaining is now a social activity. Which is apparently good for you or something like that.

people are rubbish, rants, ndp rally, soapbox time

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