Another year comes to an year...

Dec 31, 2011 21:55

And as people do on the party goers...I reflect on the year past.

Starting with today:
*heartz* The husband picks me a little wild flower from the roadside on our walk w the babies :)

Lovely lunch at Hellenic Republic with the mil (*heartz* the husband who loves and looks after his mum) Overdosed on 4 types of dips (Fava, Tzatziki, Taramosalata, Eggplant) and pita bread, grilled haloumi with grapes, figs and apricots, spanakopita, cabbage salad, baked potatoes with oregano and seasalt, to-die-for slow roasted lamb...

*heartz* pre-lunch, we arrived early and the restaurant was not yet opened, so we went a-walking and chanced upon a little store of a jumble of knick-knacks of jewellery, household items, clothes and what-nots on sale. Spotted a pair of cute decorative birds which the husband very happily bought for me :)

*heartz* after lunch, as we walked towards the supermarket for some groceries, spotted a clothes shop on sale and I spotted 2 summery dresses which, yup, the husband happily bought for me too :) And of coz as he went up to pay for the items without me:

Salesgirl: these are not for you are they?
Husband: gee you caught me out. They match the g-string and heels I bought earlier.

Kekekeke, yup, that's the husband I adore! Smart-arse and all ;)

So that's the day in recap, and the year:

We have achieved so much together especially in the last 3-5 years, the dogs, the car, the house, and of coz this year, the wedding :)

A day of so much fun, happiness, laughter, love, brilliant food and being surrounded by loved ones. A day of typical Melbourne weather of hail, rain and sunshine. We had Plan A - Get married outdoors under the willows by the lake on the grass, Plan B - Get married outdoors but if the grass is wet, on the concrete terrace, Plan C - Cold rainy day, we'll get married indoors in the cellar door.

As the day drew near and the weather seemingly leaning towards cold and rainy:

Fiancee: You know what? Someone "up there" will prob be thinking "who are you 2 bloody alcoholics kidding?! Getting married all innocent under the willows? Cellar door more apt!"

And so it is the 2 bloody alcoholics exchanged their vows of love in the cellar door :)

As I said to all before the wedding, I really dun care what the weather is coz it will be a beautiful day no matter what, even if it hails, so long as it doesn't injure my guests or ruin their cars, and it didn't! :)

Many people say or ask,"it's the best day of your life" or "it's the most important day of your life". It is a milestone, the day we pledged our lives and heart and soul to each other in front of loved ones and in the eyes of the law. It is a milestone and a HUGE one in our lives. BUT, it is not the best day of my life, or the most important. It is ONE OF the best and ONE OF the most important and ranked right up there too. BUT, how sad would it be if it was the best and most important day of our lives?!?!? As people joke, it's all downhill once you get married?! No way! Everyday with the husband is awesome and wonderful and important! And very happy to reflect on and report I had another 3 months and 21 days of best and important days since! :)

And did I have the celebration of our marriage dragged out into 3 celebrations :)

On the day, by choice coz I am not interested in the big chinese banquet, I did not have ALL my closest and dearest with me on the actual wedding day. My dearest sisters, I know you guys would have flown to Melbourne to be there with me, but you guys deserve more attention from us when you visit Melbourne, than what would have been possible on the wedding day, pre-and-after. And so I had my lunch gathering with the SISTERS at Jade, Fullerton in November to celebrate my marriage. No, My Sunflower (Note: Post feedback, "the gf" has now been upgraded to "My Sunflower"), it is not a wedding, it was a gathering celebration! :)

And coz I am a traditional kinda girl, I had a tea ceremony with the closest and dearest from my side (read huge family and friend base largely based in Singapore)

And so it is a year of milestones and lotsa love from the husband, the doggies, the family and dear friends!

Happy New Year ALL!

Ps: Happy that Project Reconnect is ongoing and succesful.

PPS: I realise I have been writing fairly long blogs...I like blabbering...same with me writing the other half of my sunflower once noted, I write cards like I'm writing essay...hahahahahahahaha...looks like it's gonna be the same with my blogs!

PPPS: Spotted this view in front of my house last night. *heartz*

Dollface not doing the sky much justice, but serves as a reminder to me how mystical it looked last night.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

husband, friends, heartz, doggies, memories, food

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