May 08, 2006 01:58
[23:55] crow529: So what's up?
[23:55] NoMoreSadRocks: DAMN GOOD FUCKING MOOD!
[23:56] crow529: Not a felon yet?
[23:56] crow529: :X
[23:56] NoMoreSadRocks: Nope!
[23:56] crow529: And you're in a good mood, eh? Color me confused.
[23:56] crow529: Sorry. :x
[23:57] NoMoreSadRocks: I had a moment of awe just looking at her. It was unshakable. Actually interested in hearing her speak and still held fixed by looking at her.
[23:58] crow529: Congratulations. You're not as bad a person as you thought. ^_^
[23:58] NoMoreSadRocks: I knew that all along. ^_^
[23:58] NoMoreSadRocks: But it's a shock to actually meet a girl that isn't a vapid idiot, is easy on the eyes, and returns my interest.
[23:59] crow529: That's good to hear. ^_^
[23:59] NoMoreSadRocks: And I was comfortable. Not jittery or nervous. Relaxed.
[00:00] crow529: Nice.
[00:00] NoMoreSadRocks: This is all shit you probably don't want to hear about, but considering how shitty my luck's been recently and that I'm due up for another disaster....
[00:01] crow529: ...You going to finish that statement?
[00:01] NoMoreSadRocks: *shrugs* It's one of those, "I want to share with the world" things.
[00:01] crow529: So share, dork.
[00:03] NoMoreSadRocks: She's just.... I told her about the shit Travis says, his concerns about my pending future, and she's on the same page that I'd be on. Doesn't want to see that happen. Would not, under any circumstance, keep me away from my friends.
[00:04] crow529: So, when's she gonna visit?
[00:04] crow529: Or has she not passed Drivers ed yet?
[00:04] crow529: :X
[00:04] crow529: I'm so sorry.
[00:04] NoMoreSadRocks: <3
[00:04] crow529: <3
[00:04] NoMoreSadRocks: When she gets her car.
[00:05] crow529: Ahh, no car.
[00:06] NoMoreSadRocks: Yeap
[00:06] crow529: And sorry, but when the jokes are so painfully obvious, they have to be said.
[00:06] NoMoreSadRocks: Sokay
[00:06] NoMoreSadRocks: Nothing to appologize for.,
[00:06] crow529: Just so long as you don't take me seriously =p
[00:06] NoMoreSadRocks: You could be in my house right now fucking my mom and I'd still be in a damn good mood.
[00:06] NoMoreSadRocks: In fact...
[00:06] crow529: Yeah, but I wouldn't be.
[00:06] crow529: :x
[00:06] NoMoreSadRocks: *Listens to the door* You are, aren't you? =P
[00:07] crow529: Nah. I came to a realization
[00:07] crow529: No sex is better than sex with your mom.
[00:07] NoMoreSadRocks: She gives bad head?
[00:07] NoMoreSadRocks: Or that.
[00:07] crow529: She's too quiet.
[00:07] crow529: Like a mouse
[00:07] NoMoreSadRocks: Yeah, that too.
[00:07] crow529: But I'm sure you hear that complaint alot.
[00:07] NoMoreSadRocks: All my friends.
[00:08] NoMoreSadRocks: This giddy-ness is almost annoying. It's like a phase I thought I passed by.
[00:08] crow529: You mean, high school?
[00:08] crow529: :x
[00:09] crow529: <3
[00:09] NoMoreSadRocks: Yes. <3
[00:09] crow529: Sorry, but I'm going to have too much fun with this. =)
[00:09] NoMoreSadRocks: LOL
[00:09] NoMoreSadRocks: Go ahead. ^_^
[00:09] crow529: Not that it's a bad thing, but it's just such obvious bait.
[00:10] NoMoreSadRocks: Expected. I leave myself far too open. =P
[00:11] NoMoreSadRocks: Even though I am attracted to her, this whole thing isn't really physical. It's a very big changeup from anything I've done previously.
[00:12] crow529: At least you don't say that like its a bad thing. ^_^
[00:12] NoMoreSadRocks: I honest to god don't think of it as a bad thing.
[00:12] crow529: You shouldn't. Expect to hear hell from Travis, though. =p
[00:13] NoMoreSadRocks: I want her. Yes, I do. But I'm so relaxed that I have more patience than I ever envisioned myself having before.
[00:14] crow529: That's good. ^_^
[00:14] NoMoreSadRocks: You make as if I'm going to share everything with Travis. =P
[00:14] crow529: You know he's going to inquire though.
[00:14] NoMoreSadRocks: I haven't shared key information with him though. Things that I know will make him think better of her.
[00:14] crow529: Hehe
[00:15] NoMoreSadRocks: The whole family is into hockey. Sports fans. They're getting Lightning season tickets next year.
[00:15] crow529: Awesome. ^_^
[00:15] NoMoreSadRocks: And already invited me along to some of the games.
[00:15] crow529: I'd watch hockey more often myself, but I never know when it's on.
[00:15] crow529: That's awesome. ^_^
[00:16] NoMoreSadRocks: The whole thing is kinda throwing me off because I still haven't seen anything bad. Nothing is going wrong here.
My smile lingers. The day was great. ^_^