Last night

May 04, 2006 14:00

I didn't go into work yesterday on account of my feeling ill. So I stayed home all day doing pretty much nothing. Bed time comes around and I can't sleep. Again. So I decide to get high to maybe fix the problem. I go out to my car, smoke a bowl and then smoke a cigarette. I'm having one of the best, happiest highs I've had in a long while. No paranoia (which has been a recent problem), no jitters, I'm feeling nothing but love. I'm damn near bubbly. So I finish my cancer stick and get outta my car. Turn and my mom's standing on the other side of my car silently staring at me. God damn she's creepy. Killed my high cause she scared the shit outta me. Off to work nowish. I get to find out what the new schedule looks like. He'd better not have me changed to work on Sunday.
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