this day sucked

Apr 12, 2005 17:06

ughhh gawd, this whole day sucked from the time i woke up, i was ate getting up today woke up at 6:41 for zero period ate nothing drank nothing, physics was gay and boring, math sucked (i hate i.b.) i dont wanna take the gay tests, i dont fucking seee y i have to take it saying im quiting next year. fuck dat, fuck my dad for bein so damn strict, fuck i.b., fuck school, fuck bad days, fuck drama....fuck da police (N.W.A. song), english was lame, we had to write a damn essay, and then lunch sucked (had no food or nething), frencch sucked MAJOR ass, for many reasons,both emotionally, mentally, and physically. i seriously dont wanna take another year of that class...y couldnt my parents let me be in spanish with all my real friends. (nothing against the people in my class, this was just a horrible day 4 me)i came home tired as hell, i felt seriously like i was gonna pass out, took a nap, and woke up with a fucking headache. and liek had that feeling when like ur starving, but u dont really feel just feel....bad, well i tried to releive sum of the pain by playin with rocky (didnt work). worst part was that i fuckin threw up in teh bathroom. wow, first time since summer. (sorry if u didnt wanna hear that, but it all contributed to this literal hell of a day). and now im here writing this shit....
...i have ALOT of thinking to do, and ALOT of things to clear up/work out/make better. ALOT of decisions to make. I just hope it all turns out well and everything can go back to NORMAL.
uuuuggghhh..i feel liek SHIT in everyway possible right now, i wish these few days can just hurry up and go by...i hate being bitchy...i hate life right now...

AHHHGGG!!! god damn it, i think i have a virus or am poisoned or sumthing, threw up 2 more times, prolly not going to school 2mrw....
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