Mar 26, 2005 23:18

Highlights of Angelo's Saturday:
1) seeing a fat ass eat it on the escalators...lmfao!!!!/seeing a hardcore asian with a mowhawk?!?!?!
2) meeting up with Mike j, Kevin A, Shivu, Josh S, Mike Y, Chris G, Sandesh, Joe Smith
3) playing beachball/pillow baseball with them
4) slide tackling josh soliz
5) ganging up on sum asians before the initial fight
6) Chatting with every1
7) knocknin sum dudes head off, when my team juss watched and did nothing
8) watching/participating as the "EYE OPENERS" OWNED!!!!!
9) hearing about how sandesh was getting totaled/listening to every1's battle stories
*sorry mike juberg for accidental friendly fire(s)*
11)starting gang wars
12) going to Chipotle wit da team
*damn u for geting into a car accident (we coulda gone to hooters ;))

"Where do u wanna go mike (Yi)?"-me
"Hooters or Chipotle?"-me
"HOOTERS!!!!!, ya boobies"-Mike Yi

"Get the guy in teh baby blue shirt!!!!"

"since its a pillow fight, we should go up there and start hitting them"-Shane

"Failure is not an option"-shivu

"thas y id idnt wear jeans, u can't fight in them"-kevin
(there was a pillow fighter with jeans next to him)

kevin-for his Weird ass detailed recollection of his dream...funny shit..lol/f*cking up kids/taking 2 parking spots/ jean comment with a guy rite next to him with jeans
mike j- being tite/ kicking kids arses/ coming up with those tite game plans (trojan horse, over and under, etc...) **sorry for those friendly fire incident(s)**
shivu- decked out with m.j. apparel/ kicking ass/ being brown/ very nifty jersey
josh- kickin sum serious ass/ 4 EVERYTHING THNK U/ being an unstopable force/ F*CKING up EVERY1, getting slide tackled by me...lol/ going ont eh "whoop de doops"
sandesh- getting messed up/being tite/ being brown/ for almost hitting kevin on teh freeway/(M.V.P.)
mike yi- 4 being tite/ wanting to go to hooters
joe smith- his apparel/being a "hot guy" from canyon high school/ picking a fight with a 9 y/o(got his ass kicked)
Chris gow-for going onto stage when they called for "hot dudes"/wearing a pink/white shirt
Shane- 4 watchin after ma sis/ his kool random quote about the indian performances
Greg Porter: for going and not even being in key club (like me)
all canyon peeps there- for dominating!!!!!
that tiny asian kid (wayne?)-for havin gthe guts to go to the pillow fight
dudes from OCC- for joining our clique and F*CKING up "The guy in teh baby blue" + others
every1 at the fight-it was sum major funness
the photographer for the register- for calling that kid a "dumbass"
the reporter lady-for putting us in teh newspaper
that weird lady- for having kevin take a picture of her and her kids when he asked for her to take a photo of us...wtf????
ne1 else i forgot
a quick FUCK U: to the douche that tried to take my sis away from the center/everything bad that happened
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