Feb 14, 2010 03:17
i think 23 like it was last year. I am now 27. no job. no money. with a beautiful
baby. people telling me that i am a piece of shit. I know i am not. But even
with life changing aspects i will still never bow down to a bullshit job. I miss
my daughter to no end. She will be 1 in 3 days, and she will always be my little
valentine. I am leaving once again. In march I will hit the dusty metal rails
that i callled home for so long. So from now on this will be my depression depot
because that is how i feel alot of the time. Amanda miller get a hold of me because
i would like to see you once again before i leave. Its been a long time.
"I had stayed indoors unless you count the front porch
Eating little, save for cigarettes and fear
But life was unshield
Singing come I believe you
Singing women
Singing children
Screaming me
The home I had made wasn't three years wasted
But the man that I'd become wasted away
My thoughts turned more sour
With each slur I had spouted
And to reconcile I had to run away
I was lower than a
Screaming friends
Singing voiceless harmony
When I was a much younger man
In a town filled with dead factories
With June came the rain
And your mother went crazy
She was banging on the door while I did sleep
With all the broken glass and the police sirens passing
I admit I was afraid to be away
I have tired
Sleepless nights bred by guilt of wicked days
Tell me here in your arms
Was I ever that man
In a town filled with dead factories
In a town filled with dead factories
In a town filled with dead factories"