Nov 10, 2007 01:25
So it has come to my attention once again today a 1:25am
that Madison sucks. Well im not 100% sure if its the town
or mainly the people. I would like to have sustainable
friendships while I am here, but for fuck's sake. Why
does everyone feel the goddamn need to drink all the time.
Im not one to talk, but fuck there is something better
to do, at least there has to be. Lately I have been
playing my 360. Tonight I have been fuckin shit up
in Call of Duty 3.
I mean im not one to talk about people always drinking,
but I hate mainly the fact that people live for that one
moment when they are drunk, like "yeah dude these are the
times, we are such good friends." I usually brush it off
because usually the next day its totally different. I have
experienced that in almost every college town/city I have
lived in.
Are their true friendships even out there anymore? If I had
my damn license and money, id go on weekend road trips with just
me my car, and the damn stereo. I havent really hungout with
anyone for almost a month. It's sad in ways, but when I sit back
and look at things in perspective it kinda makes sense.
Anyway I have people to kill in COD4
and sorry for the rant, but it had to be done.