Oct 01, 2005 00:35
Damn this week kas been such a Long week!!! Well theres nothing really new with me...Hmm i'm kind of hungry! I want some Pop rocks!!! I want to go to the beach!!! Today wasn't that bad...My best friends wasn't here so it wasn't very exciting but it still went well. I want to dread my hair!! All my friends are like "Nooo don't!!!" But I Love dreads I think they look so COOL!!! Oh man 2 of my friends that were running for Princess didn't get in:( I'm still not sure whos in the running but I know that Damaris made it and some girl named Anet... for Queen..I think my sister made it but i'm not sure...does anyone know whos in the running? Man I hope I made it!! if not its still cool, but damn I want to be in that damn pep rally and I want to piss that girl off man!!! I hope everyone has a good weekend:) Ciao