Jan 15, 2011 12:32
have you ever noticed that those who you want to pursue you don't and those who you don't want to, do? it boils down to how you come off as an individual, or lack there off, to all around you. while reading "why men love bitches" by sherry argov, I've noticed a couple different things.
1. I have to stop giving myself up for everyone else. power comes when you have control of yourself. and only yourself.
2. I can't change or save anyone, nor should I. it's everyone's own responsibility to take care of themselves. if they don't love themselves and make sure they are okay, they won't be doing the same for you. no matter how fabulous you are.
3. I have my own rhythm. I should not let anyone change my tune, no matter how ugly I feel, not if I need dinner or coffee or reassurance. I am my own woman. I have my own beat, rhythm, drum line, dance, whatever you want to call it, I should not be doing anything for anyone unless I am benefited in the end.
4. finally, space is of the upmost importance for both parties.
more to come later when I'm actually at a computer.