(no subject)

Jul 30, 2004 00:18

Been a little bit since I updated anything. Not much has been going on honestly. I'm still here at my dad's babysitting my little brother..but that'll be over in about 2 weeks give or take. I've put in applications to EB Games and Sam Goody here. I'm hopeful on Sam Goody, but I honestly don't think EB Games is gonna hire me right now since the guy pretty much said they aren't gonna do any hiring till around November for the holidays. I'm really hoping I hear something from one of them though. I don't wanna have to work in fast food, and I basically refuse to work in fast food (no offense to those that do). Its just not for me. If I don't hear anything from one of these 2 places, I don't know whats gonna happen. I may go home, I might not. I might keep looking for a job here, checking the newspaper for employment opportunities and such. Who knows.

One of my good friends moved to West Virgina. Dumb fucking move. He had no reason at all to go and now says he's moving for a year, which is fucking ignorant. I don't understand his intentions. Supposedly his girlfriends grandma or something is sick and they want to go be with her, and he supposedly has a job waiting for him there, but I smell a big batch of bullshit. I can understand wanting to go see sick family and all, but I would bet money on it that if it were the other way around, and one of my buddies family members were sick, she wouldn't do the same thing he did. I don't understand why he's so fucking whipped when it comes to her. NOBODY fucking likes to be around her. NOBODY. I hear shit from people quite a bit about why they don't like her and other things, and I just don't get it. I'm not one to start shit with anybody, but I came close a couple of times to just throwing it in her fucking face and telling her how it is. Maybe I should? Maybe it would have prevented such a stupid move. Hell, maybe I'm being a hypocrite. I've always said I'd love to move from where I live, but under different circumstances I guess. Not for her. I don't understand how he can put up with so much shit that she gives him. I swear sometimes its like she thinks that she is his mother or something. And she gets pissed over the LITTLEST things. I went home the weekend before last, before they moved, to go hang out with him and shit since theres no telling when I'll see him again. So that Saturday she called in sick to go with us out of town to the mall and shit which I had no idea she was doing. Then that night after we got back, we decided we were gonna go hang out again and she didn't want to go, but insisted on bitching at him because he wanted to go out and do something with me. I'm like, what the fucking fuck? I'm in town for TWO FUCKING DAYS and wanted to hang out with one of my best friends who is LEAVING next weekend, and she fucking bitches about it? God damn..this turned in to a long rant lol. I hadn't thought about writing this..guess thats what happens sometimes when you just bottle shit up for so long. She might read this, might not. But on the off chance that she does read it, oh well. I've said what I had to say and if she finds out, she finds out. I'm just sick of the shit that we all have to put up with to hang out with him. She's such a fucking two-faced person too. One day she can be a bitch and fucking just get on your nerves non-stop and just say the dumbest shit to you and treat you like your a fucking piece of shit, then the next day if she needs something or needs a ride or anything, shes all buddy buddy about it. GOD DAMMIT SHE ANNOYS THE FUCK OUT OF ME. Fuck me..I could go on and on about this shit. But I won't, I'm gonna end it for now lol.

1. First Name: Matthew
2. Hair Color: dark brown
3. Middle Name: Todd
4. Hair Style: Sort of short, on its way to being long
5. Eye Color: Brown
6. Height: 5'11"
8. Birthday: March 24th
9. Zodiac Sign: Aries
10. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: Nope
11. Do you have a crush?: Not really

1. Favorite Animal: MONKIES. And dogs, they are okay too
2. Favorite Sport: Football
3. Favorite Color(s): Blue, Red, Black, Silver
4. Favorite Friend(s): Adam <3, Art, Dell, Jonathan
6. Favorite Song(s): (at the moment) "Waiting for the Heavens" - Eighteen Visions
7. Favorite Movie Quote: "HEYYY YOU GUYYYSSSSS" - Sloth. "It can't rain all the time" - Brandon Lee as Eric Draven
8. Favorite Store: EB Games and Best Buy
9. Favorite Feeling: Happiness
10. Favorite Shoe: Sneakers
11. Favorite Scent: My Armani cologne
12. Do You Wear Make-Up?: Nope
13. Which is more important, personality or looks?: Definitely personality but looks are always a plus
14. What kind of personality do you like in a guy/girl?: funny, caring, romantic, spontaneous, intelligent
15. Do you move fast or slow in a relationship?: I'll let you know when I get in a serious one lol.
16. What is your idea of the perfect guy/girl?: Someone who likes me for me and has a lot in common with me
17. Would you ever ask someone out?: I have thought about it in the past I'm usually too shy to do so.
18. Do you prefer blondes or brunettes?: Brunettes most of the time, but it doesn't matter.

1. What is the first thing you notice about someone of the opposite sex?: The whole package lol
2. When's the last time you cried?: Umm..I don't even remember
3. What do you want to be when you grow up?: Fuck..I dunno. Video game testing would rock. Possibly something in the tech field
4. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?: Nope
5. How far have you gotten?: Gotten with what? These questions are so vague!
6. Do you like someone right now?: Nah
7. Do they know?: See aboe
8. Do you have a best friend?: Yes
9. Gotten along well with your parents?: Yep

Do you like to...
1. Give hugs? Sure.
2. Give back rubs?: Depends on the person (aka only wimmin lol)
3. Take walks in the rain?: Yeah rain rocks
4. Do you ever have one of those falling dreams?: Yeah, all the time
5. What is on the walls of your room?: Various posters of bands, think I have a Spider-Man too lol
6. When you chew gum, what etc..kind?: Hmm..strawberry Bubbalicious rocks
7. Do you use chap stick?: Only if absolutely needed

In the last month have/did you...
1. Drink?: Nope
2. Smoke?: No
3. Drugs?: No
4. Have Sex?: Nope :(
5. Made Out?: Nope
6. Go on a date?: Nope
8. Go to the mall?: Yeah I need to stay away though
9. Eaten an entire box of Oreos?: Nope
10. Eaten sushi?: Nah..tried it before..not my cup of tea
11. Been on stage?: Nope
12. Been dumped?: Nope
13: Have someone be unfaithful to you?: No
14. Watched The Smurfs?: Does "The Smurfs Lost Episode" count?
15. Hiked a mountain?: Hell no
16. Made homemade cookies?: Nope
17. Been in love?: *sigh* Nope

More stuff.
1. Are you popular?: Not really, I have always been one to keep to myself most of the time.
2. Are you pretty?: Nope.
4. What is your favorite word to say: Fuck
5. What is your favorite phrase to say?: What the fuck? See, 4 and 5 go hand in hand
6.what are you doing right now?: This survey
7. What song are you listening to?: Ahhh fuck..Dashboard Confessional just came on MTV2..changing it X_X
8. What are you wearing?: Shorts and a t-shirt

1. Cold or hot?: Cold
2. Lace or satin?: Satin
3. Blue or Red?: Blue
4. New or old?: New
5. Rain or snow?: Snow
6. Give or receive?: Give
7. Wool or cotton?: Cotton
8. Rose or Daisy?: Rose
9. Private school or public school?: Public
10. Chocolate milk or plain milk?: Chocolate
11. Celsius or Fahrenheit?: ºF
12. Spring or Fall?: Fall.
13. Inny or outty?: Inny
14. Now or then?: Then. Everything was so much simpler then.
15. How many fingers am I holding up?: 12!
16. Scent?: Acqua di Gio
17. English or Math?: ENGRISH
18. Bath or shower?: Shower
19. Bedtime phrase?: Night! or goodnight!
20. Self-stick or lick?: Uhhh
21. Cursive or print?: Print
22. Do you like surprises?: Yep
23. Paranoid or Cautious?: Little of both
24. Heights or Crowds?: Heights
25. Half-full or half-empty?: Half-full
26. Top or bottom?: of what?
27. do you/Would you dye your hair?: Yep
28. Speeding or running red lights?: Speeding.
29. Gold or silver?: Silver
30. Bad habits?: Biting my fingernails
31. Piercing?: left ear
32. Fetish?: Yes, but not telling lol
33. Jammies or naked?: Usually in my drawz lol
34. Neurotic or psychotic?: both lol
35. Do you talk to yourself?: Sometimes

first grade teacher's name: Mrs. Lewis
last word you said: Fuck
last song you sang: Lost in a Dream - Eighteen Visions
what's in your cd player: In my car: Avenged Sevenfold
what color socks are you wearing: None.
what's under your bed: Nothing
what time did you wake up today: around 11am

where do you want to go: NYC, Los Angeles, New Zealand, Japan, Scotland
what is your career going to be: I don't know.
where are you going to live: I'd love to live in Cali
how many kids do you want: I would like to have 2
what kind of car will you have: Honda Accord maybe

current mood: Bored
current music: Unframed by Ill Nino
current taste: None
current hair: Uhh..its there lol
current smell: My axe deodorant
current longing: Hoping for a job
current desktop picture: Some abstract pic
current favorite artist: Hmm..Avenged Sevenfold and Eighteen Visions
current color of toenails: natural
current worry: ..lots
current crush: Don't have one
current hate: being broke lol

1. what's the story behind your LJ username? Something I just came up with like 2 years ago
2. name five [5] of your favorite foods. BBQ ribs, chinese food, just about any chicken, sirloin steak, GRILLED hamburgers..hell most anything grilled
3. have you ever had a makeover? Nope
4. name all members of the Beatles. John. Paul. George. Ringo.
5. what's the longest time you've stayed out of the country/where? Never been out
6. One thing you're grateful for today: My family
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