Jul 14, 2005 11:00
omg this was probly the longest survey ive ever taken in my life!! but i havent updated in the past like month so oh well. i have prettty much just been working and hanging out with my close friends but im making a list of people i need to call! lol i am now dating chad!! he's an awesome dude and makes me smiiile!! but yeh...leave one or call me!! 316-2620!!
Your full name:: Maria Ann Brigid Hughes
Age:: 17
Height:: 5'8ish
Natural hair colour:: dark Brown
Eye colour:: hazel
Number of siblings:: 1-younger brother
Glasses/contacts?:: supposed to, but i guess i'd rather be blind
Piercings:: 7...all my ears tho
Tattoos:: nnope
Braces?:: uuugh yes, but not for much longer!!!
Colour:: pink!!
Band:: Dashboard Confessional
Song:: Hands Down/ the hidden one on Alanis' CD
Movie:: ConAir
Book:: DaVinci Code
Food:: Mashed Potatoes and gravy
Flower:: iris
Scent:: FIERCE!!!!!!!!
Comic book:: ive never ever read one
Cereal:: lucky charms
Cartoon:: i never watch ne...but it used to be inspector gadget
Play an instrument?:: kinda guitar...used to play piano for like 6 years
Watch TV more than 60 hours a week?:: i havent watched 60 hours of TV this yr
Like to sing?:: onl yin the shower and when the music is loud enough for no one to hear!!
Have a job?:: yep!!i looove it!
Have a cell phone?:: i would DIE with out my baby!
Like to play sports?:: i LOOOVE sports
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?:: yep
Have a crush on someone?:: just like a 5th grader
Have any special talents/skills?:: nope...:-/
Excercise daily?:: i try
Like school?:: only to see my friends and only certain classes
Sing the alphabet backwards?:: heck no.
Stand on your tip toes without wearing shoes?:: yeh!
Speak any other languages?:: nope..unless latin counts
Go a day without food?:: ive gone like 2 days without food
Stay up for more than 24 hours?:: Yes.
Read music, not just tabs?:: used to be able to when i played piano...face
Eat a whole pizza?:: not from adriatico's!
Snuck out of the house?:: ummm yes many a time...once ended in me getting dropped off by the cops!
Cried to get out of trouble?:: hmmm...dont think so
Had a serious surgery?:: not really
Gone out in public in your pajamas?:: of course!
Cried over a boy?:: Yes. TOOOOO much
Kissed a random stranger?:: hehehe :0P
Hugged a random stranger?:: everyday almost
Been in a fist fight?:: kinda....
Laughed and had milk come out of your nose?:: no...i wish!!!
Pushed all the buttons on an elevator?:: Yesterday actually
Gone to school only to find you had the day off because of a holiday/etc?:: ummm nope
Been to warped tour?:: no
Been in love?:: i think so....
Been close to love?:: DEFINITELY
Burped in someones face?:: mmm yes
Gotten the chicken pox?:: when i was little..i have a scar on my face!
Brushed your teeth:: b4 work
Went to the bathroom:: b4 my shower this morning
Saw a movie in theaters:: a looong time ago to see Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Read a book:: End of the school yr
Had a snow day:: too long ago
Made fun of someone:: like 30 seconds ago..im mean!
Tripped in front of someone:: i always stumble over my feet..miss clutz
Went to the grocery store:: last night!!!! to buy oil to go slip n' sliding!!!
Got sick:: uhh i dont remember
Cursed:: about 10 seconds ago
Fruit/vegetables:: fruit
Black/white:: white
Lights on/lights off:: Off.
TV/movie:: movie.
Body spray/lotion:: spray.
Cash/check:: Cash.
Pillows/blankets:: blanket
Headache/stomach ache:: neither.
Paint/charcoal:: paint.
Chinese food/mexican food:: mexican i hate chinese!
Summer/winter:: summmer
Snow/rain:: i like dancing in the rain and playing in the rain..but snow ice cream is awesome too!
Fog/misty:: misty
Rock/rap:: rap
Meat/vegetarian:: only chicken
Chocolate/vanilla:: chocolate!!!!
Sprinkles/icing:: definitely sprinkles in icing
Cake/pie:: cake
French toast/french fries:: french toast
Strawberries/blueberries:: Strawberries
Ocean/swimming pool:: i like the ocean only as far as i can see my feet...but i love swimming
Hugs/kisses:: kisses
Cookies/muffins:: cookies...w/ choc chips
Wallet/pocket:: purse
Window/door:: window. they're easier to sneak out of
Emo/goth:: neither
Pink/purple:: PINK!
Cat/dog:: def kitttty
Winter break/spring break:: spring
Spring/autumn:: spring
Clouds/clear sky:: clear sky for sure
Moon/mars:: Moon
How many friends do you have?:: A LOT
Do you have a best friend?:: i have like 4
Do you have more guy friends or more girl friends?:: girls...but when the drama comes i run to the guys
Have you ever lost a friend?:: yes..
Have you ever gone to an amusement park with a friend?:: ummm not like cedr point or ne thing...but hopefully this summer!
Do you miss any of your old friends?:: OOOMMMMG yes
What friend have you known the longest?:: EMILY!!!
Do you regret anything youve done to a friend?:: yes i regret a lot of things
How often do you spend time with your friends?:: everyday
Do any of your friends drive?:: Yes. everyone but me...literally
Has a friend of yours ever died?:: yes.
Whats the dumbest thing youve done with a friend?:: well there's WAAAAY too many to count...but last night was pretty dumb
Have you ever been in love?:: i think i can say yes
If you have, with who?:: no comment
Are you single?:: no.
Are you in a relationship?:: yes.
If so, for how long?:: almost 2 weeks
Do you believe there is someone for everyone?:: yes.
What was your first kiss like?:: richie patton at the tomato festival in the parking lot in 7th grade
Do you think love is a load of shit?:: no, but love is def blind
Have you ever been dumped?:: i think once or twice
Have you ever dumped someone?:: haha its the worst thing...but yes!
Slippers:: comfy
Hat:: trucker
Hard:: boys?
Free:: impossible
Space:: stars..confusing...huuuge
Taste:: yummy
Good charlotte:: blah
Red:: anger and love
Deep:: ocean
Heart:: cupid
Cord:: electric?
Cheese:: swiss
Rain:: kisses and dancing
Work:: FUN
Pedal:: fellatio
Bed:: sleep
Fluff:: biiiiker
Race:: cars
Knife:: robbers
am:: happy and tired
want:: food
need:: to have someone to talk to
crave:: chocolate and chipoootle
love:: GOD
hate:: negative and dramtic people
did:: not do good on my ACT
feel:: like i need to take a nap
miss:: being 7yrs old!
am annoyed by:: stupid people and bad drivers
would rather:: be with mr.chadward than with stupid boys
am tired of:: drama and my mom nagging me all the time
will always:: do RETARDED things
Do you like the moon?:: i like looking at the moon and the stars!
What are you going to do when youre done with this?:: eat lunch and go back to work
Isnt cup a funny word when you repeat it over and over?:: no as funny as zebra
If you could have any magical power what would it be?:: to fly?? lol never thought bout it hard enough
Did you ever have one of those skip-its when you were young?:: OMG yes!!!! i remember doing it at recess back in like 2nd grade!! mine was hot pink
What about sock em boppers?:: i have heard they are cool..but i dont really kno what they are
funny?:: i can be..but not on purpose
pretty?:: when i try really hard
sarcastic?:: VERY
lazy?:: more often than not
hyper?:: hehe for sure
friendly?:: i try to be as friendly as i can as often as i can
evil?:: when u piss me off
smart?:: ehh, in certain subjects
strong?:: for a girl i suppose
talented?:: not really
dorky?:: heck yeh, im queeen of dorky
suicide:: against
love:: for
drunk drivers:: def against
airplanes:: for
war:: for sometimes
canada:: uhh...i think they're cool
united states:: FOR!!! go USA!
rock music:: for
gay marriage:: against
school:: for
surveys:: ehh...when ur bored they're awesome
parents:: for, good parents
cars:: for!! and a driver's lisence
killing:: against
britney spears:: ho bag...against
coffee:: for..esp expresssso
pants:: agasint...i like nakey!
Sky dive?:: yep! im going for graduation!
Play strip poker?:: i would love to play that
Run away?:: yeh
Curse at a teacher: if they piss me off enough then fuck yeh
Not take a shower for a week?:: ive done it before....eeew grosss!
Ask someone out?:: probly not
Lie to someone to make them think better of you?:: maybeif its a really hot older guy that i have no chance with
Visit a foreign country for more than a month?:: i would loove to do that
Go scuba diving?:: maybe..id be scared of imploding tho
Write a book?:: probly not, i have nothng to write about
Become a rockstar?:: haha sure!
Have casual sex: i kno im gonna be addicted to it...so prolby yes