So yeah, I know it's been more than a week since the concert, buuut.. I put out my pictures Friday and then I was busy with the ng exam.
Well, the concert was not too good. I'd expected some more from them. They played 8 songs and that was it. They have a whole album plus at the time they'd leaked 2 new songs from their now released second album Set The World On Fire. But nooo, only like 8 songs. Psh.
I started somewhere in the middle, but I got pushed all the way to the stage, so I ended up on the first row. There was no fence between stage and crowd, so I got pressed against the stage. My hipbones didn't stop hurting until like 3 days later .___. And some of my pictures were only of their stomachs, because it was hard taking proper pictures when they jumped up on speakers and such right in front of me.. The stage was very small, so they didn't really have a lot of spot to move around on.
But I kinda think the show the support band - The Dead Lay Waiting - made was better, because they were more in touch with the crowd. Luke, the front singer, tried to make us do Wall of Dead twice, but I'm not really sure if he succeeded or not, since the first row wasn't doing it. Also I bet there was a hell lot of moshpits going on!
Anyway.. After the concert they all came out - except Ashley. Jake said he was asleep and that he didn't want to wake him up. He also said that they might do another Europe tour in October and that they wanna come back to Denmark at the time :'D Made me really happy! I got a hug, a picture and an autograph from all of them (still except Ashley) and I talked a lot with both CC and Jake.
They were so sweet, and meeting them was actually way better than the concert. Hah xD
Here's some eye-candy for ya (not me):
Yes, I'm well aware that I look like shit. But try to look good after being pressed against a stage,
getting water all over you and sweat like you've never sweat before.
You gotta hear the history behind the Andy picture, btw! He was very tired, suffering from jetlag, and I swear he walked around like some sort of zombie. I tried to get a picture with him, but all the other fans got before me, and I wasn't going to pull or push him like the others did. Then he said that he was going into their van because he was tired, but I asked if I couldn't get a last picture. He said: "Okay, but I'm gonna sleep on you!" and he folded his hands and pretended to sleep on me, that's why the picture looks like that. And yes, I laughed pretty much at it, that's why I look even more stupid x)
Martha and I agreed that next time they come here, we'll just be standing casually in the background of the venue, chilling with water and alcoholic drinks (though Martha's not 18 in October, but maybe I am, if they come after the 12.) and we'll look good at our pictures. Plus we'd like to get autographs, hugs and pictures with Ashley too!
Btw, I was at my ng exam today, I wasn't as nervous as I thought I'd be, but I thought I did more bad than I actually did. I got one grade over passed (4, dunno the letter for that) and it made me very happy, because I just thought that I barely passed (02). Now I only have the AT test left on Monday and then I have vacatiooooon :D
- Tville