Nov 01, 2006 21:07
smoke dope?
you could say i'm baking up a storm.
dammmmmn strait
alright i'm really fucking chipper
and i had a really good day today. it made me realize how much i fucking love my friends.
bitch got dumped
well not really cause i was thinking about dumping aswell.
i guess it was a mutual thing!
i thought i'd care a lot more.
but i actually don't miss him ATALL. i just miss the fact that no guys pay any attention to me now... haha. i'll change that sure! gimme some time.
the worst part about it all is that i won't get to see alannah very much anymore.
i don't really wanna go out to punit
dat girl is gonna have to come outt.
kay so i just finished my bio book and had a shower and i feel so clean and nice and i'm gonna go blowdry my hair soon and GOD its gonna be good. :)
okay anyways!
yesterday i went to school and shit and afterwards i went to alliys and we all sat around and watched date my mom then went trick or treating and got some candieee and beer and then trotted to renrens and drank and watched some weird movie, and then back to alliys and drank more. and yepp slept. then we all got up and went downtown for booster juice and kfc feeds and i laughed so much and it put me in a really good mood.
and now i'm clean!
and i'm done bio!
and i'm planning my new room !! WOO
i'm in a really REALLY good mood SO weird.
it was also sunny out today i'd like to add
55 days till christmas!!
cookies and love!! <3
okay now i need a boy...........
new boiz
i'm gone though