(no subject)

Jun 24, 2007 19:46

To those who have chosen to unfriend me for having an opinion:

Thank you for being immature, stupid, and every other word that you like to refer to everyone else as. Thank you for respecting the fact that I did not comment to your journal replies regarding the Chris Benoit matter, and that I stayed out of it as to respect your opinion. Never once did I single anyone out, never once did I make comments directly at you. You clearly know you're in the wrong, however... if you're so paranoid as to delete someone for having a different viewpoint than you. Let's explain what happened here.

Chris Benoit, a great wrestler. Without a doubt, one of the best to ever enter the ring. However, something drove this man to not only end his own life, but to take the lives of two innocent people as well. Not just anyone, but his own wife and son. To make matters worse, this was premeditated. He knew exactly what he was doing when he called WWE and told them he would not be at the house show. He strangled his wife, he smothered his 7-year-old son to death. I'm not quite sure how anyone can call that justifiable. You all seem to think that since he was nice to you a few times, that he's a really great person and that he would never do that because obviously, the evidence is wrong. You, my friends, YOU are the ones that are wrong. Get the fuck over it.

I think you all need a wake up call. Let's hypothetically say that some random person murdered your mother, father, brother, sister, child, or friend in cold blood. When you approached the trial, would you be telling the court that he was such a good man because he was nice to you at the grocery store one day last month, and that God should bless him and his soul should rest in peace? Would you condone what he had done to your loved one(s)? You can tell me that you would, that everyone deserves a second chance, but I would openly look you in the eye and tell you that you were full of shit. It's the same exact situation here, he not only killed his family, he took lives from other people's lives as well.

Your blantant ignorance only makes me laugh. I am glad that you can find peace in someone else's sick doing. You will truly burn in Hell right beside him, because you're clearly in support of all of this. Enjoy your time there, I'm quite glad you're off of my friends list.
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