RAWLZ, it's tiem for a meme~!
First, select ten fictional characters (from any medium) by whichever method you like best. Then answer the questions below.
1. Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
2. Watanuki Kimihiro (xxxHOLiC)
3. Anthony J. Crowley (Good Omens)
4. Demyx (Kingdom Hearts)
5. Kurogane (Tsubasa RC)
6. Fujioka Haruhi (Ouran)
7. Kanzeon Bosatsu (Saiyuki)
8. Kasumi Karen (X)
9. Ichimaru Gin (Bleach)
10. Arisawa Tatsuki (Bleach)
1. Divide the list up by even and odd. Which group of five would make a better Five Man Band (like a Power Rangers team)? Who would you slot in each position: Leader, Lancer (second-in-command), Big Guy, Smart Guy, The Chick? If you think the team would be improved by swapping one character between the even and odd groups, which ones would you switch?
Sora, Crowley, Kurogane, Kanzeon, and Gin. Oh dear lord, what a kick-ass team. Watanuki, Demyx, Haruhi, Karen, and Tatsuki. Mostly wimminz~
Okay, so, the odd team...Sora should be the leader, Kanzeon the lancer (I mean, xe's a fucking goddess, literally), Kurogane is, of course, the big guy, Gin the smart one (totally a black), which leaves the chick position for Crowley...(he can gender-switch, dammit!).
Even...Tatsuki's the big guy (black belt in Karate? Come ON), Watanuki is the CHICK because I feel like tormenting him, Karen might be the best leader, and Haruhi is...egad...she might make a bad leader so the smart one, leaving Demyx to be the lancer. :D
I think the even team needs more kickass people and more people with leadership qualities. Kanzeon should switch with Haruhi, to give even team a better lancer, making Crowley the smart one, Gin the lancer and Haruhi the chick. Kanzeon would become even team's leader, with Karen as her lancer, and Demyx would become the chick so Watanuki could take the position as smart one?
2. Gender-swap 2, 8 & 10. Which character would have the most change in their story arc? Which the least? Would any of these characters have to have a complete personality change to be believable as the opposite sex?
I assume that girl!Watanuki wouldn't be in love with Himawari, though with Clamp I never know. Male!Karen is disturbing but amusing as Aoki's gay love affair, but she'd maybe be a bit less maternal as a man. And probably not a stripper. Tatsuki...no change...maybe Tatsuki/Orihime would be canon het...?
3. Compare the matchups of 1 & 8 and 5 & 9. (Ignore canon sexual preferences for the moment.) Which couple would be more compatible? Which couple would be more plausible to people from either principal's home culture?
Sora/Karen or Kurogane/Gin. Wow, yeah, I have no idea. Karen/Sora seems really implausible, because Karen would be a mother figure to Sora. But uhm Kurogane/Gin is kind of wtf? They might get along a bit better, what with their swords. But Gin's really messed up. But I guess Kurogane/Gin is a bit more plausible...?
4. Your team is 3, 4 & 9. The mission consists of a social challenge, a mental challenge and a physical challenge. Which team member do you assign to each challenge?
Crowley, Demyx and Gin. Crowley, Demyx and Gin. I'd say Crowley for the mental challenge, Gin for the physical (unless it was dancing) and Demyx for the social.
5. 7 becomes 1's boss for a week in some plausible fashion. How's their working relationship?
Oh dear god, poor Sora. Kanzeon would toy with him, though all of his jobs'd teach him morals and lessons. Xe'd be oddly fond of him, seeing him as amusing, and he'd probably like hir well enough, though I think he'd be uneasy around hir.
6. 2 finds him/her/itself inserted into 6's continuity. As far as anyone other than 2 or 6 is concerned, they've always been there. What role would 2 be presumed to have had in 6's story, and could they fit in without going wonky?
Poor Watanuki. I could see him as an innocent Ouran goer whose rich parents died and left him with a lot of money. He'd stumble into the Host Club one day and invariably get into the same position she got into. Watanuki would end up doing the manual labour for the host club, like buying the materials and clothes and fetching various things.
8. 1 and 2 are brainwashed by a one-time artifact that works even on people immune to mind control to attack and kill 4. They keep their normal personality, skills and competence level, except any Code vs. Killing has been turned off. Can 4 survive? How?
Sora and Watanuki versus Demyx. (TwT Poor Demyx). As
iambickilometer pointed out, Watanuki is pretty useless. And Sora kind of owned Demyx anyways. But at least poor Demyx stood a chance.
9. 6, 7, 9 & 10 must help an orphanage full of small and depressed children have a merry Christmas. Who does what, knowing that at the very least the kids will be expecting a visit from Santa?
That's Haruhi, Kanzeon, Gin, and Tatsuki. Oh god, those poor children. Kanzeon will orchestrate it all, designing costumes and whatnot, Gin and Tatsuki'll be her manual laborers and Haruhi will get stuck as the worst Santa ever. But she'll do her best to be nice to the children. Gin should be kept away from them. He'd be like a child molester. And Tatsuki'll have no idea what she's doing, but she'll try to be nice to the kids, maybe show off some awesome karate moves. Kanzeon'll give lots of presents.
10. 3 and 8 are challenged to circumnavigate the Earth in eighty days or less, using only forms of transportation invented before 1900. Can they do it, or will they be fatally distracted by sidequests or their own personality conflicts?
Crowley and Karen, huh? I think they could pull it off. I mean, Crowley has super magical Satan-gifted powers to get them out of sticky situations. They'd travel by hot air balloon, which Karen can light with her fire powers. Karen is stable and even and Crowley is pretty world-wise. I don't think they'd clash too much, though Crowley might get distracted by restaurants and other places he might like to visit, but Karen could get him back on track easily. Without tartan straps.
I somehow forgot about Kyou Kara Maou. Man, I wish I'd included Wolfram in there. Wolf is awesome~