Booster Gold/Blue Beetle Sims Style
I wanted to have them get up to wacky hijinks. Anyway, the Sims 3 actually has the 'Schmoozer' trait. So Ted's traits are as follows: Good Sense of Humor, Genius, Childish, Athletic (that one had been auto generated and I was too lazy to change it), and I think Computer Whiz. His lifelong dream is to become a Creature-Robot Crossbreeder. Booster's traits are: Schmoozer, Charismatic, Good Sense of Humor, Ambitious, and Flirty. His dream is to become Super Popular and have 20 friends. It took maybe fifteen minutes of work to elevate them to best friend status. :D
They're at the park. I'm not really sure what's going on, but I love Booster's little thought bubble coupled with Ted's obliviousness.
I like how appropriately douche-y this outfit is. I couldn't do their costumes but this one is sort of a revamp a la the X-Men movies.
It even has his flight ring!
And they're still only best friends/roommates so here's their sleeping arrangements. In the fishbowl between them is their swordfish, Patrick/Oscar. Booster bought him, and the rubber ducky on their bathroom sink.
Booster sleeps in those. And apparently chillaxes on their horrendous couch in them (Ted picked out the couch, btw).
Witness the Blue Beetle heroically cleaning the toilet bowl in his swimwear!
A helpful close-up, if you've forgotten what the true focus of this documentation is. Aww, lookit the little stars on his ass.
Booster, you're not supposed to go out in public like that!
Meanwhile, Ted does what he does best.
If this doesn't scream 'awkward' then maybe I should.
Booster likes to talk about dragons a lot. And unicorns, though I never seem to get caps of that.
This picture says to me two things about Ted: 1) he should never, ever dress himself and 2) he's really freakin' gay. Then again, canonical facts y/n?
Booster's default outfit is in fact this one, which was an approximation of Justice Riders Booster Gold.
Again, awkward.
Getting comfy. In a strictly platonic sense.
Okay, they're done.
See, Booster Gold can read!
And now Booster does what he does best: schmoozes!
"Dude, check it out, we're in a park!" Excellent observational skills there, Booster.
And again, use your fucking eyes. No wonder they don't want him in the Justice League, he sucks at crimefighting. (Aww, Mike, I'm just pulling your leg, I do love you. You're just...kind of really dense).
What in God's name are you doing, man.
Booster likes winning.
Ted waters his evil garden. At this point it should be mentioned he's on the science career track. He is currently employed as a test subject, but somehow gardening skills are an essential part of doing his job well.
Showers are very tiring. Also I really like Ted's default outfit, which is this. It's very. Tweed. And clashing. I mean, yellow plaid with brown corduroy pants?
Ted is quite excited by their new floor lamp. (NO IT IS NOT A BONG, DON'T LISTEN TO
And of course Ted knows how to read. Sometimes he actually gets to.
Booster's athletic wear is also pretty douche-y. I think it's the hair-sunglasses combo.
He's pretty excited about feeding Patrick/Oscar. He dotes on the dear.
Booster got a part time job as a spa specialist. This appears to make Ted like him more. Hm.
Booster's turn on the really gay pose. Ted explains quantum physics very excitedly. Booster tries to look like a hot gay cowboy. Science is sexier than you, sorry Mike.
Ted pays attention to him again. Friendship points!
Yes, Ted sleeps with his slippers on. Yes, they are insane-looking rabbits. Yes, he slept well, thank you for asking. :)
Again, dragons. SCIENCE VERSUS MAGIC. Ted believes in science.
Except... "Hey, Ted..."
Well, well, well.
iambickilometer said it best: "HEY BRO NO HOMO".
To be honest, I'm not really sure what's going on here. I think they are feeling the awkward.
And then they switch beds.
So they're moving into cuddle, but it really looks more like wrestling on the couch with Ted elbowing Booster in the face. He probably deserved it.
Way to look coy, Booster.
And then there is some making out.
Which lasts a long time.
No really, a long time.
Oh, you guys.
Uh, schmoop. I can't remember if I told them to or not. For the sake of my rep, pretend I didn't.
Sharing a bed is cheaper and saves space. That's it. Totally.
And nothing has changed. Nice, Booster.
He's eating either cereal or canned soup in his underwear. Do I really need to comment?
Ted is definitely enjoying having the bed all to himself.
I started another game because I actually wanted to build their house. You can see their lovely customized beds. Video games whee. I have a video of Ted kicking Booster's ass.
Ted is daydreaming. When he daydreams, it's of space travel, being arrested and, inexplicably, sheet music. When Booster daydreams, it's of Ted. No seriously. I didn't get caps, but it happened.
And Booster gets up to the sun streaming through the windows and Ted snoring. Fuck his life.
So. Top right corner? Yeah, I built that house. It is one story. The one you saw. All that height is just the roof. Also they have a huge backyard, some wild plants for Ted to harvest and a fishing lake with waterfalls.
Oh and a swing set. A heterosexual swing set. Because they are heterosexual. Yes.
Booster woke up at three in the morning. So naturally I had him walk down the hill into town to play chess in the park in his swimsuit.
He's thinking. Please don't interrupt, this is a very dangerous activity
He makes his move and...
...I have no idea what's going on here.
So then he goes home, has breakfast and... [very distracted]
As usual, Booster breaks something and leaves it for Ted to fix. Blue Beetle, handyman.