Three weeks into the new job and it has been great. The first two weeks I didn’t do much more than catch up on tv, read Cracked articles and text my life away, but who can complain about that? It was explained to me in the interview that there are periods of downtime and one of the challenges there is being able to handle that. Having a job where it is sometimes okay to not have any work and not have to pretend like you’re working is my favorite. It’s such a luxury to acknowledge you have nothing to do so you’re watching The Following or Last Man On Earth. Finally, this week, I got some things thrown at me and even that is pretty okay. Once I fully understand the ins and outs I am going to be amazing.
The things I have learned have been pretty cool and very much pertinent to my life-long useless interests such as tv ratings, commercial rotation and markets. As someone at Buffalo Exchange said, we “put on the things that we all fast-forward through.” Accurate, but companies are still paying millions to make that happen, so, we do what we do.
I was dreading the commute but honestly, an hour each way is not that bad. At some point, Frances and I may move in together somewhere closer to the city, but for now I am on a car search. I’m pretty effing excited to be able to buy myself my own car. Doing adult stuff and things.
My last week at Buffalo was lackluster. Without my favorite duder there I didn’t have quite as much to look forward to. Still, I do miss it. I miss the kids and randomness and oddly enough, the noise of it all. That place will forever be very important to me as it basically got me out a bad relationship. I’m pretty dramatic about a job I’ve now quit three times, but Buffalo showed me I could not only not dread my place of employment but actually look forward to it. I did come away with a couple of great friends from EOC and I think I’ve managed another couple from Buffalo.
The new coworkers are pretty damn fantastic though. It’s great to be around more weirdos. Older, non-married, no interest in having kids and still pop-culture loving-humans, these are my people! Our boss is a very sweet goth chick who holds her obsessions closely and the kind of person who makes me feel okay about where I’m at and where I may be at some point in life. Everyone is great.
Being around Amber is extra great, both because she’s very easy to be around and she is fantastic at her job and training ability. Like moving in together, working with a friend could be weird when you see them in a different world, but I could not ask for a better ethic to be around. I honestly could not be happier.
After ten years of being in our Yucca Valley house, my mom is now in the process of moving into my grandma’s house in Banning. Part of me feels like I should be putting up a fight about this, but it feels okay. She wants out of the desert, we are still going to have the house to rent out and home will now be a little bit closer to me. I really thought 2013 and 2014 were going to be my years of huge changes but right when I stopped looking everything started happening.
It’s all still very good. I am still happy. My mom keeps telling everyone about how well I’m doing with the addend “If she would just find a man...” and while I don’t disagree, damn mom! You ain’t gotta be putting the business out there like that, geez. We’ll get there. We’ll sort that out.
Everyday until August it’s going to be, “Is it time for Fireworks, yet?” So many fun things happening in between now and then but that will absolutely be the best, most chest-tightening, swoon-worthy, finger-pointing three days this gal could ask