(no subject)

Mar 18, 2005 15:33

so, i've definately been dying all week. seriously. worst sickness i've ever had (besides norwalk uhhhh). Im going back to work tonight though and i feel majorly better. i still have a bad cough and my ribs feel like theyre broken but thats alright. im really pissed because i decided that i really want to go to george brown next year only to then get a letter in the mail saying that i dont have the mandatory credits (being grade 12 math) which made me realize that i applyed to the wrong one. now it's totally too late because im clearly a dumbass. so i may end up having to wait AGAIN to go to college for at least another half year. we'll see. ryans coming to hang out tonight which is good since i havent seen him for the past two days due to dyingness (?). and arijas home soon which is awesome because i can shower her with birthday love!
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