Jul 29, 2004 20:35
last niite i fell asleep at lyk 5 summfin nd i had t0o wake up at lyk 9 summfin this m0rninq !! nd i was s0o tiired !! but anyh0o.. first me nd tha parents went t0o the BMW place nd l0oked at s0me carsz nd i was already tired fr0m lyk n0t sleepin nd i c0uld barely keep mah eyesz opend .. nd it was s0o h0t nd i culd lyk barely walk !! s0 den we went t0 tha lexus place nd saw the truck we r qettinq as a third car !! nd da quy kept us there f0r lyk 2 freakinq h0urs sh0winq us tha stuff !! uqh ! then we went t0 sweet t0mat0e.. den we caiim h0me nd my daddy changed but it t00kd hym l0nger than i th0t s0 i started makinq up mah dance t0 get it 0n tha fl00r.. nd then he was ready s0 i put mah hair baqk up nd we st0ppd by s0me 0tha car place den mah daddi dr0pped me nd mah m0mmy off at da t0wn center mall cuz he was g0ing t0 dinner nd a meetinq wiff brian !! s0 me nd my m0mmi walked ar0und nd everythinqq nd my leqs already hurted s0 bad.. then we went int0 seph0ra nd i g0t a thikk pinkk eye-liner nd a thin pink lip-liner !! i l0ve that st0re !! then yay i saw alexx nd she was wiff renee !! nd i finally mett renee =)! but yay i saw alexx ! l0l. nd then me nd m0mmi went int0 mac's make-up place but it wasz s0o expensive s0 we left.. nd we went int0 l0uie vuitt0n.. then we left there nd went int0o sackz s0 that the madre c0uld l00k at pursesz.. nd i just sat d0wn on s0me bench thinqie.. then mah daddi came t0 pick us upp nd i was s0o frykin tired.. s0 i slept in tha car nd n0w im really tired !! hallie called me nd she pr0bablii wuntsz t0o kn0w if we're d0ing i sleep-0ver t0m0rr0w but i dnt feel lyk callinq her back.. [ in tha nicest way p0ssible =) ] lol. t0m0rr0w im g0inn t0 west palm !! but ima 0nly stayinq untill sunday cause my parents arre g0na g0o t0o aunt beasz surprise bday party! nd i have t0 g0 h0me then cause next weekk we're qettinq everythinq i need f0r sch00l nd my new cell f0ne !! s0o anyways.. imna g0 find s0mething t0 d0 nd i think im guna g0 t0 bed early t0nite even kn0wing it feelsz lyk un-n0rmal nd i cann neva fall asleep =) lol. s0 leave me a c0mment l0ve !!
xox <3 always- jenn