day wiff stephie qino nd alli =)

Jul 27, 2004 20:31

i was up all nite last nite with alli.. so this morning i layed on the couch to watch tv and i fell asleep.. so when i woke up it was 12:30 nd i had to rush really fast to get ready. then my mommy nd daddy dropped me off at stephie's house nd we helped her mommy wiff a little chores =).. then me nd stephie nd stephies mom went nd piked up gino nd alli at ginos house !! and susan took us to wellington green !! so first we were hungry.. and found the food court nd we ate mcdonalds! then we got cofee.. nd we were gona get a camera but we didnt... we were just l00king in st0res nd playin in the elevat0r =)! then me steph nd gino got the N0W 16 cd! than we played in the elevators some more.. oh yeah.. so after there were these quysz.. nd i only knew one of them.. steven.. but they serperated from there other friend that alli knew.. john? or something.. so john turns around and took a picture of qin0! nd qin0 g0es mann d0nt take a picture 0f me s0 the guy flickked hym off then gino flicked hym back off so we ran ont0 the elavat0r nd went d0wnstairs nd we saw them by the railinq by the stairsz nd he p0inted t0 gin0 nd then g0t 0n the elevat0r! s0 we ran really fast int0 n0rdstr0ms nd l00ked at sh0es =) cause theres a l0t 0f pe0ple ar0und there.. haha.. then we went upstairs nd me nd stefie tryed funny cl0thes on but the pants actually looked really g00d 0n her =) haha.. s0 after that we went and g0t an0ther c0fee nd then susan g0t there s0 we lefted.. nd 0n the way h0me we dr0pped alli 0ff !! then me gino nd stefie went back to stefz nd rode the golf cart a lidl bit nd chylled.. then stefz fam nd ginos fam were having a family dinner so my mommy came nd i left !! funn day! .. s0rry y0u didnt c0me alexx !!! =) x0x wuff u!! .. <3.. anyways.. we're g0na g0 t0 the m0vies s0metime s00n nd maybe we'll d0 s0mething t0m0rr0w! l0l. cause me nd stefie wana see a cinderella st0ry nd sleep-0ver! s0 imna g0.. im actually really tired fr0m t0day but y0u kn0w i always wake up later =) haha ..

x0x leave me 0ne x0x
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