(no subject)

May 30, 2006 02:00

Two words describe the month of May...
Fucking Busy

Aside from working, I've been squeezing every bit of free time to study for my board exam. It's gotten to the point where I just want to do the damn thing and get it over with. After June 7th, I can finally concentrate on enjoying my summer. I've been also been hounding the College of Nurses for my temporary licence number. Stupid Canadian exam takes 4 months to process, therefore I'll be working on a temporary licence until I pass the test and get registered. My status as of now is "Non-Registered Nurse"....yuck.

Lots has been going. More recently, one of my best buddies, Mark, got married! It was a beautiful day and I couldn't be happier for him and Ronna. Throughout the night, Brian and I talked about our wedding plans. The itinerary, where the reception would take place, the food...random stuff. And as much as we would want to, we agreed that time is the essence. We've got many more plans before marriage. We're still debating between a condo and a house for Christ's sake.

I've finally gotten back into my training. Thanks to school, I was on a hiatus for almost a year. I refuse to make excuses for not working out now. And by golly...it feels great to get moving.

Brian's cousin, Ate Joy, surprised the family with an unexpected visit this past weekend! Along with her, she bought her third, Julius. He's a happy baby and I love happy babies =D We spent Saturday night reuniting Ate Joy to the night life at Raq 'n Waq. Coincidentally, my friend Peter was holding his birthday party there. I haven't seen that guy in ages, and everytime I do, it's always a pleasure.

And talking about birthdays, two special men in my life celebrated their birthdays this month...Brian and Dennis. Due to my work schedule, I wasn't able to organize the surprise party for Brian. In terms of planning anything else, our schedules make it impossible to do anything this year. Sorry, Baby =( Dennis on the other hand, celebrated his with a big bang at D'Martini's. As always, good times, bro ;D

Maybe I didn't update everything, but that's as much as I'm willing to update.
So here's what everyone loves...


camera whorin', family, friends

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