"Give me books, memories...and big shoulder pads?"

Jul 04, 2005 00:19

The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle: a Novel by Haruki Murakami & The Wars by Timothy Findley

A couple of days ago, I started on my second Murakami novel, The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle. Heard many great things about the book, and no doubt, the book has been great so far. Love his writing style. I'm really good at spoiling things, so I won't go into detail about it to save you avid readers. I also bought a copy of Findley's The Wars today...a book I read back in high school. I'm not one who enjoys reading war novels, but this was particularly one I liked. I'm so happy to finally add it to my collection.

While out with an old friend tonight, I came across many of my high school friends and acquaintances. These were people I have no seen in years and we coincidentally crossed each other's paths...one after another. It literally felt as if I was walking down memory lane. The further west we walked, the more people I came across. It was surprising, weird, and nice all at the same time. We of course, did our debriefing, exchanged updated numbers, and made a pact we'd try to meet before the summer ended. We'll see how each end holds to their word.

Plans are underway for our Montreal weekend getaway in August. The last time I was there, I was 10-11 years old. I have no recollection of my visit then, except for my sleepwalking incident. For some odd reason, I've been told I sleepwalk when sleeping on the floor. As a child, my home was once occupied with 20 people...yes, frickin' 20. Don't ask how we managed, but we did for many, many years. So, my parents, my sister and I all shared one room. My sis and I slept on a bunkbed, while my parents' bed was adjacent to ours. I remember my dad telling me how I used to "wake up" in the middle of the night, climb down my bunk, and started walking around in my sleep. And this wasn't just a once in a blue moon type of thing. It happened quite frequently. I now have my own room and wonder if I've slept walked around my room. How this relates to sleeping on the floor...*shrug*

There are so many things I want and need to do before the summer ends, but time does not seem to be cooperating. Each passing day seems to flash before my eyes. At this moment of time, I really wished there was more than 24 hours in a day. *sigh*

Yesterday evening, Brian and I went to one of my relative's birthday party gatherings. It was located in some Filipino community centre that had a basement for a hall. I have Filipino relatives who I have not seen in ages and thought this would be a good opportunity to see everyone again. While there, Dennis (8d1) called to see if Brian and I were available the following day for some golfing. When I told him where I was, one of things he asked was...
"Are there those old women who wear those dresses with the big shoulder pads?"
And I thought I was the only who found this funny.
"Hahaha...oh yeah. With the sparkles and all, they look like walking disco balls"
That was mean but so funny. I swear, I can almost hear Karma knocking on my door kicking me in the ass =X
Throughout the night, only a few people recognized my face. Apparently, I've morphed into a complete stranger. Did I ever feel like an idiot when I waved and received the strange look. When they learned who I was, I was no longer the fat kid they once knew. Score! I won't even go into details about my horrid fat childhood days. People were also asking if Brian was Chinese or Chinese-Filipino. I still don't see how people mistaken him for a Chink because I knew he was Filipino right off the bat when I met him...or shall I say, noticed him in class =P And of course, as all Filipinos have a tendency of doing, they asked what his family name was to see if they had some sort of connection. Stupid Dennis made a dumb joke...
"Can you imagine you introducing Brian to someone at the party and then hearing, 'Oh, you met your cousin!'"

Talking about gross stuff, while on break at work today my sister and I saw some dude whip out his cock out to take a piss. We were on the other side of the bush where the benches were. We suddenly heard a ruffling sound behind us and turned to see what was going on. To our left, we saw a pair of legs and hands upzipping the zipper. We looked at each other and hoped it was not what we thought was going to happen. And sure enough, the asshole takes a piss right before our eyes. Lucky for us, we were far enough to not get sprayed on, but that was still fucking gross. Obviously, we got up to leave but my sister had the urge to bitch slap the motherfucker. It was 9:30 in the morning and I was in no mood to bitch. We left the situation as was and let him do "his own thang".

books, the weekend, gross

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