I was tagged by
duzzie216 :DD
a. list seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself
b. tag seven people to do the same
c. do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it"
1. I have all 5 alarm functions on my cellphone turned on with 15-minutes intervals on 'em. o__O Heck weird.
2. I don't like having colds because I have a freaking sinusitis, and it lasts up to a month.
3. I currently have chocolates stocked in my drawer. Gluttony much?
4. G. Way inspired me to draw. But I'm an epic fail though I have undying love with arts and everything, it just doesn't reciprocate me back. *cries in my emo corner* lol.
5. I once tried "spirit of the glass" [it's like Ouija board, only using a glass instead of a planchette]., oh well maybe twice. And found out that I have some kind of spirit protector. idk if it's true though.
6. I am kinda addicted to carbonated drinks and coffee.
7. I really want to be a forensic scientist. ~♥
And now I am going to tag...
loveangel2141 jaydenrioblue sandersidle lonelytourist death_sanity gee_tarded mccrack -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I know bacteria and pathogens are part of this ecosystem.
My nose is stuffy since last night and I can't properly breath.
I'm literally breathing through my mouth -- like a goldfish taken out of the water. It's mad.
And I got my own copy of LOTMS yesterday *YAY!* after two long years of longing. It was like a newborn baby, I was squee-ing inside in delight upon receiving the glossy-wrapped DVDs. I couldn't be any happier. :DD
I've been cussing more often than I should lately. Gerard gave me the cussing virus, and it's infecting me bad. Maybe I should get me some medicine. x__X