Jan 10, 2003 23:13
Well, Many people have been asking me whats the deal with my livejournals. I never felt the need to explain myself/them to anyone. I feel that if they are about you, you should know. I live my life in song. And since I can't play any instraments, bands lyrics appeal to me. So yes, I do use some band lyrics. But a lot of them are my own thought.oppinions.rants etc... All of which deal with problems.loves.life in general at the time they are written. I find it a good way to let people know how I feel without actually telling them straightout, so as to not make it public. I never mean to intentionally hurt or make anyone care more for me, its my way of getting feelings off my chest. If any of my journals offend.scare.amuse or intreage you, than Im living my life...
I believe that when Im gone, my love will live in song...