"I will serve as an example, to man, as hope, by defending those I love with my life..."

Oct 21, 2002 16:01


A lot of weird things have been happening all around me. Many of the things I wasn't even a part of either. I don't know why things turn out the way the do, and I sometimes wish that they would be different, but I can't change that. But when I was a part of things, I never wanted to hurt anyone or make anyone feel bad, that wasn't my intention at all. People take things the wrong way and let feeling manifest inside themsleves for too long, only to let it erupt on the world. Which I don't think is the right way to go about things at all. I just wish people would be more open with me, so I don't feel like Im walking down a hall blind-folded. Everything is changing very rapidly, and nothing seems the same to me. I wish I could turn back time and make everyone happy again, but I can't. Sometimes I wish you were here for me. I can't do this on my own, I need you...

On a side note, I think Shai-Hulud is my favorite band.

"I stand here bold and strong, as a testament to my abstinece; My heart is open, the slate is clean..." xxx
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