Nov 30, 2002 12:11
* Fave Color: Deep Dark Blue
* Day/Night: Vampire Crew
* Summer/Winter: Beach as asshole…
* Lace or Satin: Satan
* Fave Cartoon Character: Fat Albert
* Fave Food: Soy Chorizo and Potato Taquitos from Trader Joes
* Fave Advertisement: Turn off the idiot box…
* Fave Movies: Donald Darko ;The Ring around your anus
* Fave Drink: Fuck Caffiene
* Person to talk to online: Singer for Glasseater: Scene Point!
* Fave sport: Not boogie boarding. Fucking fags.
* Fave Car: 88 VW Jetta
* Fave sports stars: Singer for DOABD… NOT!
-----------------RIGHT NOW------------------
* Wearing: Basketball Shorts and a Shutdown shirt. East Coast or what?
* Eating: I wish
* Drinking: Im edge asshole, I don’t do that…
* Thinkin bout: Dreading work at 430. (How funny is this, WHILE I was writing this, My boss JUST called me into work early. Fucking asshole, 1-9 pm. I am now mad.)
* Listening to: WWRH
---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------
* Cried: Im no pussy
* Worn jeans: Fashon Core…
* Met someone New online: nah
* Done laundry: Always, I have over 50 bands shirts. No shit.
* Drove a car: Ya
* Talked on the phone: Does a cell phone count as a phone.
---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN--------------
* Yourself: Sometimes
* Your friends: No. Sad to say…
* Santa Claus: Nope
* Tooth Fairy: Negitive
* Destiny/Fate: You carve your own imprint in the fractions of time…
* Angels: Sara Angel
* Ghosts: Fuck Yeah
* UFO's: Aliens, but not ufo’s
* God: I wonder sometimes…
--------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
* Do you ever wish you had another name? I think I have a cool name
* Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? Never, Im Free… Lonely…
* Do you like anyone? Who doesn’t?
* Which one of your friends acts the most like you? R…B…M…S…
* Who have you known the longest of your friends: Bone. Or for your assholes, Beau
* Who's the loudest: Frank John
* Who's the shyest: Beau’s pussy ass…
* Who's the weirdest: 8=====D
* Who's knows you the best: Who knows, I don’t open up very often
* Who changed the most: Rocklobster Hate
* Who do you go to for advice: Candela? But now I guess I go to someone else. Sara Angel is really helpful
* Who do you hang around the most: Abby, No one really calls me
* When you cried the most: I can’t cry.
* Whats the best feeling: Security
* Worst Feeling: Not having you around…
* Do you want all your friends to do this and send it back to you: We always do
* If you could change one thing about yourself: ACNE
* What time is it now? 1212
Burn it to the ground...