University of Central Florida (stage management... or design/tech)
Florida State University (motion picture/television/recording arts)
University of Utah (theatre)
University of Southern California (theatre)
University of the City of Los Angeles (film directing/producing)
............SATs are saturday..... at Robert Morgan..... good luck to everyone taking them.....
- a crap load of sharpened #2 pencils
- your pic ID
- your registration ticket
- to get a ton of sleep the night before
- a calculator (scientific or graphing)
- to eat a good breakfast
- to check your location to make sure you're at the right place
- to get there between 7:45 & 8am
- to answer the easy questions first
- to guess if you can eliminate at least one answer
- to leave a question blank if you really have no clue
- to pray REALLY REALLY hard before you take the test